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RE: Blockchain based Virtual Shopping Hubs

in Economics3 years ago

Amazing, the truth is, the prospect to blockchain technology is totally uncountable, virtual shopping is something I haven't really gotten a grab of but with the GIFs it feels like a real time experience. But definitely I'll still prefer the proximity shopping hub to the rest of all this. This is because nearness to maybe where you can easily be delivered to is very important. Imagine having many heterogeneous shops centralised to a location and the possibilities of sitting at home and just creating your image then go around and shopping. These are technologies that we might take close to 50 years before we see it in African countries.

Imagine not having to worry about physical contact in case of a pandemic as covid-19 and the efficiency and speed. The prospect is totally exciting although I think it's is going to take a whole lot.


I think it will take awhile before blockchain based virtual shopping hubs become a reality. The main reason is adoption and acceptance of cryptocurrency. I think existing technology is very close if not already available. When this happens, it could become a worldwide phenomena, as cryptocurrency and blockchain technology can cut across borders. Governments could try to block it but it would be to the massive detriment to their own people.

Yeah government could block it and this is one downturn, imagine government being a hindrance to blockchain technology.

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