MES Livestream 36: UFO Media's No-Go Zone with 9/11 Revisionist

in MES 9/11 Truth5 months ago (edited)

9/11 Revisionist joins the show again to go over the UFO media landscape and show that the likes of Steven Greer, Alien Scientist (Jeremy Rys), and Ashton Forbes will discuss anything related to suppressed free technology EXCEPT 9/11 and the work of Dr. Judy Wood.

May 11, 2024 SATURDAY at 1 PM PST / 3 PM CST / 4 PM EST / 10 PM CAT / 21:00 GMT (UK)

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Stream Notes and Links

911 Revisionist UFO Media.jpeg

  1. MES Links:
  2. Donate to 9/11 Revisionist:
  3. Morgan Reynolds May 25 Saturday livestream:
  4. 9/11 Revisionist possibly debating thermiters at Boston 9/11 Truth.
  5. MES + 9/11 Revisionist = Richard D. Hall + Andrew Johnson
  6. MES BREAKING NEWS: John Hutchison June 8 Saturday livestream!
    • John says he never faked any experiment, he was using high voltage wires, and has the original video. Disinfo agents took it out of context in their own lies.
    • Alex Pezaro touched a Hutchison Effect sample while it was jelly, and has his finger print on it!!
  7. 9/11 Revisionist Show Notes:!As32ynv0LoaIivJD3ratUCyyB5RYKA
  8. Taboo of Disclosure by Andrew Johnson:
  9. Steven Greer born on June 28,1955, Elon Musk is born June 28, 1971: and
  10. Steven Greer has 2017 documentary called Unacknowledged: and an episode called Architecture of Secrecy:
  11. Steven Greer says he was offered $2 billion to keep quiet about UFOs LOL
  12. Steven Greer shirtless and flexing LOL
    • RFK Jr. doing pushups LOL
  13. Steven Greer avoiding questions about 9/11 and Dr. Judy Wood:
  14. Kerry Kassidy from Project Camelot calling out Steven Greer for saying all aliens are peaceful LOL
  15. Ron Muckle asks Alien Scientist about Ball Lightning and 9/11, but AS squirms...
  16. Alien Scientist Jeremy Rys was arrested before:
  17. MH370 Ashton Forbes psyop could be paid by Mick West to boost debunking industry LOL
  18. Search "Ashton Forbes" on MES Telegram:
  19. Ashton Forbes WILDIN' again:
  20. 2013 and earlier MH370 styled orbs / hoax / hologram claims:
  21. Ashton Forbes gets on Steven Greer's X space:
  22. Ashton Forbes "joking" about hoaxing the MH370 videos:
  23. Ashton says he avoids 9/11:
  24. Ashton sued San Diego county in 2021 over mask mandates:,_2020-2021
  25. Ashton Forbes has seen RegicideAnon videos that are not currently public... aka he is the same person LOL
  26. Ashton Forbes VERY LIKELY created this January 10, 2023 MH370 account: and
  27. Ashton Forbes called a female debunker "too ugly to r*pe", and then deleted his livestream from December 2023.
  28. EVERY single frame in MH370 explosion teleportation sequence was taken from famous stock footage that was even used in the 2004 anchorman movie: