New Blogging Platform Called "Blurt" - Does it Have Ninja Mined Stake?

in The LIFESTYLE LOUNGE4 years ago (edited)

If you have not yet heard, there is a new blockchain launching this evening the called Blurt. If you had a Steem account prior to the last "secret" hardfork (HF-23), then you will have your snapshotted crypto cloned to your new Blurt account! Heavily implied by its name, this platform is 100% uncensored, more decentralized than anything I have heard of, and here comes the best part - what the developers are doing (or should I say not doing) with the ninja-mined stake from Steem.

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One of things that divided many users when Hive was first launched was the redistribution of Steem's ninja-mined stake into a proposal financing system for blockchain projects instead of just eliminating it completely. A blogging blockchain free of nm-stake would create a more sustainable financial ecosystem and rewards pool that would not only garner higher dollar value overall and over time, but the currency itself would also be more well respected in the crypto community as a legitimate coin. A platform with these ethics will certainly attract investors when it is listed on exchanges.

When I first heard about Blurt yesterday, the first question that came to mind was: what are they planning for the nm-stake from Steem? Here is the informative, inspiring, and hilarious conversation that took place in response to my question in the Blurt Discord Server:


In addition to eliminating any ninja-mined stake from being a part of Blurt's equation, downvoting will also not be implemented, and there is currently nothing discouraging autovoting either (unless later decided by community consensus), which to me sounds like exactly the evolution we need to see with these kinds of platforms right now - a more fair rewards pool, sustainable currency, a more attractive investment, no downvotes, uncensored, opensource, and decentralized.

Yes not having downvoting will require a different form of spam and abuse protection check. Yes not having ninja-mined stake will sustain a higher value for the Blurt coin. Autovoting has its advantages and disadvantages (not really trying to re-hash that old chestnut) - but honestly with so much happening in one space, autovoting is necessary to provide consistent and timely support to content you love even while sleeping or at work (allows us to have a life outside of "internet time"). I still read and interact with tons of posts on Hive despite autovoting.

There is actually a ton of technical innovation being supplied to the development of this platform, and much is still up in the air (as with most new chains). Blurt also seeks to exist along-side of Hive, not against it (I would hate to see another Steem-Hive type power struggle). I am more than excited to participate in an additional platform that holds true value for it's community.

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Hive - I love you and I am not abandoning you. Blurt - I love what you represent and am excited to see how a social media blockchain can flourish without any nm-stake. Please allow both to exist without unnecessary conflict, and instead work to collaborate and achieve symbiosis... we have a chance to set a selfless example for the world to follow if we can keep the best interest of both communities the top priority.

The Blurt blockchain will officially launch today (July 3rd) at 11:00 pm PDT (July 4th at 6:00 AM UTC). Upon launch, you will be able to access the blogging interface at: For more information about Blurt, visit this post on @TheCryptoDrive's blog, or click here to navigate to the Blurt Discord server.


Had to throw that quote from @Hempress in there - see you on the block!

If you are a person who prioritizes the health of our Earth and takes any small actions to help the environment, please consider entering our Earth Deeds Contest by clicking here, to have a chance at winning a prize that will earn you HBD & HP (currently worth about $5-$10 USD). This contest happens every week on the @Abundance.Tribe account!


Enchanted blessings - with love, truth, respect, & honor - @ELAmental.


#TribeVibes druid_djinn.png

separador nuevo  FULL BAND.png

logo 2.2.png


Stay tuned - into the right frequencies


Click here to hear my single: Shift the Focus on Soundcloud from my upcoming album: Power of Truth

(Link to new album title claim)

Click here to hear my un-mastered sample of No Consent

My debut conscious Hip-Hop album The Hex Wrecker is completely free for download on Bandcamp & Soundcloud (click the links to go to my music on those platforms), or CLICK HERE for download instructions.




Gotta love where that conversation went! 🤣

I can see that the ideals behind the platform are good, but I am curious as to whether there are any plans to stop abuse if downvoting isn't there.

There certainly are, but the top priority right now is launching the chain and getting front ends working. There was a little hiccup upon the first launch attempt, but everything is getting ironed out as we speak and should be ready to go soon.

That Blurt logo will work in so many different ways, with so many different colors and themes. Nice post.

I agree. I will certainly be coordinating an alternate logo contest for the Blurt design.

It'll be very interesting to see how much "traction" Blurt will get... with more and more of these "variations" around, I worry that "dilution" will start to become a problem... people only have so much time to create content... are they going to try to work side-by-side across several venues? Or just pick one and stick with it?

Time will tell, I guess...

I feel it, I was thinking about that too. These kinds of things are necessary to evolve into a more perfect ecosystem until we change the mechanism for the evolution... ie not forking but instead utilizing a new form of adaption not yet conceived.

Interesting perspectives. SBD/HBD is also going to be eliminated, it would be nice to experiment these differences.

Oh I did not know that. That will be interesting to experiment with indeed.

Sounds pretty interesting. Will keep an ear and eye on it. Never a dull moment in this space. !tip

No doubt. They had a few setbacks but the frontend is working just not the wallet yet.

🎁 Hi @elamental! You have received 0.1 HIVE tip from @jaynie!

Check out @jaynie blog here and follow if you like the content :)

Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide.

Thank you sista, that is a Steempeak link btw.


Thank you for publishing it to our community feed!
Compliments of the PHC founder @jaynie...

We have tweeted, upvoted and reblogged it for you.

❤ MWAH!!! ❤

Power House Creatives _night mode.png




Why thank you kindly.

Thank you for sharing, I was not aware of it, will go check it out!!

Your welcome. Do it to it!