Trying Roasted coffee using traditional method

Last Saturday I had chance to travel outside of Bangkok, with the distance around 20-30 kilometer. This place called "Ko Kret", the small island situated in the Chao Phraya River in Nonthaburi province. Here is really unique one which no major roads, no cars on the island. We are genuinely known to use bicycle riding around and also walking along the path so we could see various of shops, restaurants, coffee shops, souvenir vendors and etc.

Well,I have been told there is one of highlight we must not miss

" Ka Fae Kua Mue Coffee & Gallery "

(Do it yourself coffee)


Seemed overview is regular coffee shop, but the extraordinary is that they provided the Know-How for do it yourself coffee. We could taste these cup of coffee by practicing from beginning process to make a coffee until the end.
We did practice "roasting" "sift coffee beans"" grinding" as they claimed as

"do it yourself coffee"


They provided us D.I.Y coffee equipment, they price is 200 THB per 1 set. Since I and my friends come together 3 person so the owner would provide the number of coffee beans which could be moderated brew for each.

We started with coffee beans prepared


Next, we would start roasting coffee beans. You know I got a bit surprised from what I understood all along was that coffee beans were fundamental black!!!!
I never knew the pure beans must come with the white/green. If I had not got here I would never have known about this.

Roasting Roasting Roasting


Start to heat them for the coffee roasting, the owner said the beans needed to be transformed from white into brown beans and keep rolling all beans became hard/dense. This process, all beans surface are still dried and cracked up.

Roasting as long as you can until they are being reveled darker but be cautioned not to let they burn.

The owner said that we kept rolling beans against the heats, all moisture and inner extract would be forced out. I got smell coffee that was really strong but made me feel good

The roasting time duration can result us different taste coffee.
Till you can sense how was coffee like, that depends on how much time you roast. If we preferred light roast with moderated dense beans, We would get this level of flavor. But if we tended to get dark roasted, we would get stronger taste. Roasting coffee gives its unique aromas and extra flavors

So we preferred to make dark roasted


When we finished roasting coffee beans, the next step was sifting ( to split some beans surface out ). This processes I needed to try so hard to manage my hands lifting up and down in proper balance.
To be honest,I have dropped some beans 😫

Grinding Grinding Grinding


We filled coffee beans gently in a coffee grinding machine. Its too small and really convenience to get one at home

Keep Grinding


After that, we got finish grinding coffee that become transformed to coffee ground.
Next step, we will process with Moka pot


We needed to put the grounds into a boiler chamber and then used hand-press pressed it packed. We pour some water into a coffee collector.
For this way we were almost going to last process, put the Moka pot on the burner in order to heat it up.
I looked at the Moka pot which the the coffee was being brew. I was wondering how could they transform as fresh coffee because ground coffee was underneath and pure water had separated inside a coffee collector. How could it blend together ?

I could see what's inside


And also we could try with other equipment


I have no idea how come it revealed like fresh coffee. There must be
Scientific progress regarding pressure mechanism to push the grounds onto the second method which was to mix together with water by heating pressure.
So that I could see it slowly brew

I could be magical tools. I must buy one to make own coffee at home.

This is the owner did more after we had done fresh coffee


That's all for my "do it yourself coffee" content
Thank you so much for your kind reading my content
