Can I Help? It’s Debatable – (PowerHouseCreatives Contest) – How to be a Hiver

Can I Help? It’s Debatable


I’m probably not a good person to give advice as to how to maneuver around the hive blockchain, but maybe I can offer some help to new hivers with some things others have helped me with, and that have turned out well for me.

The help I can provide is help for writing posts and maybe a little on ways we can make our posts more likable, attractive, and more interesting. Some of that can be accomplished simply by making a post more readable.

A lot of people when they’re new, will tend to make their written words into paragraphs that are too long. The way it was explained to me, is that, especially when multiple devices are being used by different people to read the same thing, that needs to be taken into consideration.

One of the best things we can do is to make our paragraphs not be a wall of words. It’s difficult enough to read a wall of words on a computer or sheet of paper, but when it’s on a phone, that’s sheer torture to read. Shorter paragraphs make it easier for the reader to read and to stay with it. You can see here, the lengths to which I try to limit my posts’ paragraphs.


Another thing I was taught, is the wonder of using dividers, as seen above. Dividers can add something, making reading a post easier for the reader to stay with it, similar to how keeping paragraphs neat and readable by paragraph length, makes reading more pleasurable for the reader, and it also offers another pause point.

Another aid to publishing a good post is to make use of when we’re warned of a grammar mistake or a spelling mistake, etc. by the writing program, and instead of blowing it off, we should actually fix the error, even if you think the writing program you’re using is wrong in calling it out. It likely isn’t.


For posts that are meant to be photography posts, try to include as many of your greatest photos in each photography post you make. There can never be TOO MANY photos in a photo post, but many post TOO FEW. People want to see lots and lots of photos in a post, providing that they are, truly great photos. And don’t only post photos without including some text describing the photos.

The most important thing about publishing a post is getting into the habit of making sure your posts are going to catch a reader’s eye, or a photo-lover’s eye, or whoever’s eyes you are attempting to attract with your post, if you want to get the best rewards. Quality is the key on hive, not quantity, and certainly not something copied from someone else or plagiarized content.

I hope these tips can help some of our new hive members to some degree, and help them on the road to hive success.

Can I Help? It’s Debatable © free-reign 2020


This is my entry for the Power House Creatives contest hosted by @zord189. The contest is for PHC members only. Please join us if you’d like to participate. For this week’s contest, @zord189 has tasked PHC contestants to offer advice, tips, procedures, etc. to help our wonderful new blockchain members to get going on hive!

Thanks for reading!


Sources for images used in this post:

(Public Domain photos are from Wikimedia Commons)

Hiring Sign: Image by vishnu vijayan from Pixabay
Grammar: Image by PDPics from Pixabay


Power House Creatives Logos FINAL_float.png


I think a lot of newcomers will find this post helpful and take your offer. Kudos to you for the initiative! Be well!

Thanks! I wasn't sure when I first saw the contest that I'd have anything to contribute, but then I remembered the posting stuff and that saved me. I'll bet there are other helpful things about posting that I still don't know about too!

Well done! Greetings and blessings, my friend!
Good luck!

Thank you my friend, and blessings to you! 🥂

All these advices are very well said, now I am going to do mine to see what I can contribute with the newcomers.

Thank you! When I first saw this one, I wondered if I'd have an entry!

Those are all good points, @free-reign! We may not feel we have a lot to share with new members, but often even the little things can be helpful and interesting.

Thank you @jayna! Yep, that's what I figured, and after Snook gave me some great tips on post creation, things picked up for me. So there it was - it helped me, so I realized it could help others too!

Really good points about the length of sentences and shaping. Thanks for sharing and I think it will help many others.

Thanks! Those things are about all I could think of since I really haven't been too interested in knowing about the different cryptos, or how things work, but I got into some of that when the Justin Sun twitter war was going on, just from exposure. 🙂