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RE: Health and Wellness: Is This the "Age of not Sleeping Well?"

Switching off at night became problematic in my thirties, hyper active mind swimming through tide of to do, or to get done before finding sleep.

Five to six hours for years eventually got the better of me, relaxant tablets of a herbal nature suggested did not really work.

Now I spend at least twenty minutes outdoors quietly let my mind roam before going to bed, a form of meditation pondering has helped.


I think part of my problem is that I am just working more (hours) than I used to, to make up for shortfalls in income... meaning that I have no time left over for things like meditation and just "sitting still."

I really need to get back to it, and I hope it becomes part of my routine again in the not too distant future... there just aren't any more things we can just cut out of our budget, financially.

Finances worrying you out of sleep is not healthy, with the way the finances throughout the world has gone over the last year many are paddling the same boat upstream.

With summer arriving and longer days make sure you claim the extra hour for yourself, one style of relaxing does not suit everyone, find what you enjoy most and give it at least half an hour daily. Take breaks between work hours with short walks of around ten minutes, worry actually gets us nowhere.