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RE: Musical G-dog

in The LIFESTYLE LOUNGE3 years ago (edited)

I read thoroughly your post again, as it deserves many readings. I am starting from the end 😁

What have you held in reserve about yourself on social media, the blockchain or any other?

I can not say that I had many experience with social media platforms, so my opinion is maybe not an expert one, but it is mine :-). There was one parenting forum, about 15 years ago where I was active and Facebook was reserved for family and friends from real life. Nothing more, apart from messaging applications. Facebook went to history for me when I discovered the value of this platform. I barely publish on youtube, just when need to, and I have an account at lbry for videos, but there is no such interactions.

So, that thing of being incognito should be a general aspect of social media platforms? I suppose that people are braver to say something covered by a username. Some other reality is supposed to be presented, a superior side. Of course, a kind of security is needed as well as you don't know who are you talking to at the other side. But if you want to be genuine (I will use here your word), just the real opinions and feelings can reach other people. It can not be faked.

Slowly, through interaction, one feels more comfortable and has more trust. So more things can be revealed in a natural way. Your identity is opening, I don't mean just a name. What one shares has to be genuine! Well presented, clearly, but true statements, to the point of revelation that one feels that is ok.

Probably many things are behind each of us, and it is coming up, in the pace that the intensity of the interaction dictates. There were people who searched for my identity and found out my name, origin but I was not panicking. I felt, it's ok, I have nothing actually to hide. But yes, we can choose what we want to share with everyone and what with just the ones who deserve it.

When I was four and a half years old my parents sat me down at a piano

I hope you can just appreciate that thing, as for sure being able to play an instrument, in a professional or amateur way is amazing. It can bring you happy moments, as now while you are preparing the song of Bruno Mars.

The piano from your photo is so beautiful, Stainway & Sons 😍

I am almost late now for my dentist appointment, I have to cut my short response 😂 Thank you this post!!!!!


There's so much over-sharing on the interwebs and sometimes I wonder why people are so willing to air their dirty laundry, most private moments or personal lives with complete strangers and lose control of their information. On the flipside it makes me laugh when people try to be so secretive and hide behind a username...It's often done by those who want to be abusive of course, like you say, they feel they are free to act in any way they see fit because they are operating behind a username. The reality is that anyone is locatable if one knows the way to do it, the right people. There's little privacy in our world these days.

When I think about the money my parents spent on music lessons and the thousands of hours I've spent practicing I feel a bit sad that I don't play a lot these days but I can play and that's what's important.

The reason I choose not to play for many people is that I'm shy, and also a residual effect of the fact I was often rolled out to play for people like a performing monkey when I was a kid. I didn't like it at the time, being forced to do so, and as I got older I rebelled against it until I eventually refused. I was living away from home, and never went back, from the age of seventeen and a half so from that point the time I spent piano playing declined. Later, when I had worked hard and established myself I purchased my own piano and I resumed. I enjoy it, but for me now it's a very private thing. You probably won't understand.

I hope you made it to the dentist, but am respectful that you made yourself late to respond to me. 😆

Have a nice day Gabriella.

lose control of their information.

I like this phrase. Lose control of information, good one.

You shouldn't be sad because you don't play so much. Maybe one day you will play again more and than the hours of scale practicing will pay off 😜
I think you should just concentrate to the fact that you can play and enjoy your time with the piano.

I DO understand that playing piano is just a personal thing now for you. Not just because you were forced to go to competitions and did performances against your will. Yes, it can be a residual effect as you say. But making music is sharing ideas and emotions...and at the moment you will share it only with the people you trust, so in your case with Faith. That is normal. It is ok!

I made it to the dentist, yes 🙈 although it would be better just to stay at home and continue talking 😂

No one likes the dentist, but if one finds a good one then it's less hated I guess. I'm lucky to have found one. I had a crown done the week before Christmas, my first. Wasn't pleasant, but wasn't as bad as I had expected.

I remember the crown post 👑 It was a funny story 😅

I actually forgot that post altogether! I reclla now I stuck a crown on my head in the image! Lol.

Yes, you had a crown and the text started in a funny way, so just somewhere in the middle of the post one could read that it was about a dentist . And the yachts that can buy the dentist in the comment section... 😂

I like to have a bot of fun which I guess you see for yourself. It's plain to see in my posts sometimes. I'm hoping I don't need another crown anytime soon...It hurt the hip pocket a bit. (Costly.)