Boredom Spurs creativity

I read an article some time ago about how we should actually embrace boredom, it sounded weird to me at the time, but it all makes sense now. It's a counterintuitive approach to creativity. The writer truthfully says that when we are bored as humans, that's when we try to do things with our hands, we try to go out there or just contrast something out of the blue. These days, technology has deprived us of that luxury, nowadays if you are bored, you could easily go to youtube and start watching pointless videos that make you feel bad about yourself, but for some supernatural reason, you can't go away from.

I was sitting inside the house and then something just popped into my head it was a video id seen earlier that week, how water, when poured into a sifter can make a really cool and artistic effect when captured at it still moment, luckily a digital camera can do that. So I tried enlisting the help of my siblings as it was not a one-man job, but everyone declined, finally, my dad offered to help. I took a photo of him at the end, but of course, you know old folks, they dot want there face on the internet, bla bla, bla.


First I got a bowl and then a sieve to place on top of it, so it does not roll off when the water pours over it. My dad held a jar of water and stood beside the bench. His work was to empty the jar over the water very quickly, and I had camera duty.


It came out exactly as I thought it would, water rushing through the side holes, the lower part, and the downpour from the top. I did edit it a bit with Adobe lightroom just to make it sharp and clearer.


Well everything went over as you might have predicted, lol. I kinda feel the final disaster looks cooler than the actual intended shot. Everything turned over, water everywhere looks epic IMO.

Thank you for reading. I took the photos with my Nikon D3200. If you do have any opinion, suggestions or even criticism please do well to drop in the comment section, or if you like it and want to see more, check out my [instagram]( where shit gets real. Till next time, Stevenson.


That really IS an interesting effect @stevenson7. I may have to try something like that in the future, when I get more settled down.
Great post!

You should. Thank you so much.