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RE: Apocalyptic Homesteading (Day 1266)

WOW, sounds like you have a HUGE job ahead of you which you will get done because you are passionate and proactive by the sounds of it.

Now I have seen a few home built micro hydro structures when I used to live off grid up in the Rainforest about 20 years ago, but yours definitely takes the cake for being the smallest.

I would LOVE to see it up and running, so please tag me when you do publish a post about it.


Yep I definitely have my work cut out for me!

I will try to remember to tag you when I get that array setup but it is pretty low on the priority list at the moment. It is the tiniest setup that I have ever seen either.

Ideally I want to have even more of the turbines in a single array wired in series/parallel for 72 volts. Then have them charging small 12 volt battery banks (connected in series) that are staged along the circuit. I then want to step the 12 volt down to 5 volts that is wired to USB outlets.