Hello Everyone!
Getting off track again, Another chilly night, So much wasted data & Why I avoid wood stoves!
Alright, it is well past my usual start time... because I had to write out a lengthy reply to a comment somewhere... and take care of some other lose ends. It seems like I am really hit or miss still on sticking to my schedule... but at least I am giving it my best effort.
The cold weather was not quite as noticeable last night... but whoa there was way more frost on the ground than there has been on any previous mornings... and I think that it did not feel quite as cold because there was not much wind. Tonight, it is going to get even colder and there is even supposed to be some snow accumulating... which will be kind of nice because it will add a thin layer of insulating material to the outside of the tent.
Overall, today was another long non-productive day aside from doing my usual relief efforts for folks inside the WNC DZ... which yep is pretty much a full-time job. It is a big surprise that I have any 'words left in me' for the day by the time I start working on these entries... considering how much typing that I have to do all day long.
In other news my data plan keeps getting chewed through thanks to Facebook mothballing their mbasic site that was designed for slow (low bandwidth) connections... and now also redirecting their regular mobile site to their desktop site when accessed from a computer. It has made doing anything on there (which is where I do the bulk of my relief effort work) an extremely aggravating process.
As a side note, I did tinker with adjusting my 'user agent string' to trick it into thinking I was on a mobile browser... but the results were hideous! To make things even worse, they are set to begin blocking all browsers from using their site beginning tomorrow... unless it is one of the three browsers that they 'approve' of... which of course are all ones I neither trust nor want to use.
Anyways, a few days back I had to explain to folks why I do not use wood stoves in my shelter setups... and today I got a prime example of why that is the case. In short (as my long time readers know) two of my three remaining dogs have frequent seizures... and them bumping into a stove while seizing out would not just be horrific... but would also pose a serious fire hazard to boot.
To get to the point of what happened one of the dogs stepped off the bed heading towards the water bowl... and just as she got in front of the propane heater a seizure started, she lost her balance... and toppled right into the heater! It was downright spooky having just been explaining things to folks... and then have that happen... but just like I pointed out to them... her bumping the heater like that immediately triggered the safety feature and it shut itself off.
Well, I have worn myself out here... and I already have way too many notifications stacking up that need attention. I hope that everyone is doing well. Ta ta for now.

Have you heard about the browser site Duck Duck Duck? I have not tried it but they say they keep everything private.
Having dogs that have seizures is scary by itself and having one fall into a wood stove would be worse, at least the propane heater has a shutoff switch when knocked over.
If you took a picture of your tent people would understand your situation and why you do not have a wood stove, maybe they think it is a hard walled tent.
Is your sleeping tent going to withstand the snow on it?
Yeah, Duck Duck Go has been around a long time. https://duckduckgo.com/ if that is the one you meant.
Thankfully the seizures are often mild and by covering their eyes with my hand and applying soft pressure it makes them cope better with them. I think that it can shorten the seizure also.
Meh, they can deal without seeing pictures. I really dislike sharing that kind of stuff anyways.
The way that I have the sleeping tent setup should handle snow really well and if push comes to shove all I have to do is shake the very low slung tarp that I have over it to get the snow off.
I will write about it this evening most likely but that land buyer backed out again yesterday. I am in the process of getting a big military tent to use here which should stop everyone from whining!
yes I had too many ducks and no go, lol
Good to know the snow won't hurt your tent.
You gotta get all your ducks in a go!
good way to remember it