Apocalyptic Homesteading (Day 1270)

in Homesteading29 days ago

Hello Everyone!

The weather cooperates, Washing the elder dog, Using the pyrethrin dip & Calling the electric company for an update!

Alright, I am running thrity-nine minutes behind schedule with my writing routine this evening... much for the same reasons that I was running late yesterday. I am beginning to think that I should change my start time back by another thirty minutes (to nine o'clock) now that the days are getting longer... just so that I will not keep being behind schedule.

Last night I was up kind of late... but eventually drifted off into a rather deep slumber that I did not wake up from until after sunrise. My morning was rather unremarkable... and although I recall doing my usual Hive engagement routine... I do not think that I did much besides scrolling.

Early in the day I got outdoors and used the sump pump to empty the tub out... so that I could add some fresh water to it and give my elder dog a bath. Although I usually like putting a lot of water in it for the dog baths... this time I only put a small amount of lukewarm water in it... because it would have been a hassle to keep her upright on all fours the entire time.

The other reason that I did things that way is because I was using a flea and tick shampoo on her... and I wanted to be able to lather her up with it and let it sit for five (or more) minutes before rinsing it all off. Per usual she was very cooperative when it came to getting a bath... and although she did not like the cold water that I rinsed her off with (once I got her out of the tub and onto the deck) she did not make a fuss about it either.

Since I was already 'in the mode' for tending to the dogs (and the weather was finally cooperating) I also mixed up some of that pyrethrin dip that I got recently for treating the mites on that other dog. Basically, I just cut a two liter plastic bottle in half (to create a one liter container) added water to it and then added a liquid ounce of the pyrethrin concentrate... which gave me a nice strong mixture.

Applying the mixed pyrethrin was not all that difficult because all that I did was dip a sponge into the container... and then squeeze it out onto the dog before rubbing it in. For whatever reason that dog abhors laying on her back (or even her sides) when I apply any treatments to her... but once I get her in position she tends to stay there as long as I keep a firm hand on her.

That pyrethrin dip does not leave a residue... and only tends to kill the mites (and other pests) that are alive when it is applied... so I am going to apply it the two times a week that is recommended on the label. I think that it actually says 'once every three days' but for all intents and purposes that amounts to the same thing as twice a week.

Anyways, at one point during the day I gave the electric company a call... so that I could get an update on the status of the service installation. I know that I mentioned not wanting to do that in yesterday's entry... but the more that I thought about it the more that I grew inclined to want to know what is up with it all.

The electrical engineer assigned to my install was not available at the moment... but I was able to talk to someone in the engineering department and found out that the status (at least on their computer system) said that it was waiting for a state inspection for an above ground line. I am really unsure if that means that I need to get my electrician out their as soon as possible... to do the pole and meter install so that the inspector can inspect his work... or if it means something else entirely.

Either way I got the extension number for the engineer for my installation... and left him a voicemail to give me a call at his convenience. Aside from wanting to find out the status of everything... I also want to find out exactly where the pole is going to go... because now that I know that the line is not getting buried I can look into perhaps extending their gravel road further onto my property.

The main reason that I want to extend the gravel road is so that when we arrive with the moving truck we can back it all the way onto my property... and thus get it as close to that flat area as we possibly can. With the way things currently are it would make everything quite the hassle to get unloaded... and hauled over to where it needs to be... which yeah is what I want to avoid!

Hopefully, I can find someone willing to do the work of dumping and spreading the gravel that not only knows what the heck they are doing... but also does not charge me an arm and a leg for what will amount to an hour or two worth of work. From what I can tell between the pictures and the maps... it would only require extending the current gravel road by another fifty or so feet (15.24 meters) at most... which yeah is not very much at all as far as distances go.

Well, I think that is all the words that I have in me for this entry. I hope that everyone is doing well. Ta ta for now.

I failed to take any pictures today so here is another one of yesterday's sunset!

Thanks for reading!

Please check out the Homesteading Community!

Cheers! & Hive On!

All content found in this post is mine!


I gave the two dogs we have a flea bath too, but after reading what you did by letting it sit on them for 5 minutes, I wish I had done the same.

Yeah it needs to sit on them for at least five minutes to be effective.

i do that my dude, i tend to give my "daily" hours a one plus once the sun gets high enough! it can bug you a bit come bed time the felling you are lagging. Keep strong bro!