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RE: Adventures In Homesteading (Day 39)

in Homesteading2 months ago

Yep! I totally get it and knew you were not seeking recognition or anything... which is why you got it!

I bet that getting buried by a snow plow was intense!

Really glad that you enjoy reading about my goings-on. Folks like you encouraging me along the way is what has gotten me this far.

Lately the phone/internet thing has been causing me an extreme amount of frustration and anxiety because aside from posting, engaging and doing things that need done online to keep my life moving forward... I have also been needing to have voice calls with my closest friends to help me navigate my personal (and interpersonal) struggles here. So THANK YOU and I am sure they would profusely thank you also for helping to facilitate that happening again.

Also thanks for the handpan tunes! Always such beautiful sounds to hear!

Much love and respect!

Oh yes... at least the plow driver stopped to pull me out of the snow LOL. Reading that this helped you, to such an extent, just further brings me positive energy and joy... Hope your Dog is doing better... Love and light your way, brother...

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