Let's buy fish seeds for my pond.

in Homesteading2 days ago

Hello HIVe friends in this community. I feel a new spirit to tell you all that this afternoon I bought new fish and was very enthusiastic. The process of selecting fish seeds was quite long and time-consuming not because I was confused about making a choice but because my wife was too excited and didn't want to go home quickly and watch various colorful fish swaying here and there showing off their existence. My wife felt that buying these seeds was as if she was taking a break and occasionally she would scream with joy to see the fish. I laughed out loud with the fish seller seeing my wife's behavior.

There are various types of fish sold in this place and the place is also very spacious and clean, they not only sell types of fish but also various types of fish food starting from 1 day old to harvest age and various vitamins for the fish are also available. So I don't need to look for other sellers and move around looking for other small items related to the fish.

There are various kinds of ornamental fish here that are sold with various ages with very cute colors. and on average the fish sold here are 1 day to 2 weeks old. These fish are deliberately hatched in breeding to be sold and the breeding process must not be careless because if the fish are stressed, many will die and many eggs will not hatch.

And the purpose of my coming to this place is to look for fish seeds that I will keep in my own pond. And actually I am confused about which fish to choose, whether the jumbo catfish (clarias gariepinus) or the gourami fish (Osphronemus goramy) all have their own advantages and disadvantages, although if compared, the taste of both fish is savory and sweet, especially if fried with spices and slightly dry. However, in terms of maintenance, it is very different. And one more thing, both of these fish live in fresh water.

If Catfish grows very fast with a period of 3-4 months it is ready to harvest, it is different from Gurami fish which can be harvested in 6-12 months. Of course, if you look at the period, everyone chooses catfish, but gurami fish has a selling price twice as much as catfish itself. And in the market, gurami fish is more in demand than catfish itself.

Then in terms of feed, this is what makes me a little hesitant and my wife doesn't want to keep it because catfish only eat pellets, chicken intestines or meat while Gurami fish, besides pellets, can eat leaves such as kale, taro leaves, papaya leaves and other leaves so that the pond doesn't smell. And after we discussed it, I decided to buy 200 Gurami fish seeds with an age of 2 weeks and the size of the ground pond that I made was 2 meters by 1.5 meters with a depth of 2 meters. And that was my afternoon shopping, in the future I will take pictures of the harvest, friends. Greetings from maytom. Indonesia


Aww. Your wife made the fish buying and window shopping fun and exciting for you. It's really nice that the place you visited has everything in one place so you don't have to move around much.

You both made the right buying decision. Seeing that the economy is not smiling at the moment, it's better to raise the Gurami that survive on leaves instead of the catfish.

We know rearing the catfish would have been great if you were considering the harvesting period but we think the Gurami works better in terms of budget-friendly procedures.

We wish you the best in your fish farming. We hope you'll make lots of profits in the next 6 months.

Thank you @diyhub for your prayers, what was conveyed is true, in these difficult times I also have to think hard about raising fish. I chose to raise gourami fish because in terms of feed, you know yourself now factory-made fish feed is very expensive. besides that fish also do not eat natural feed. indeed if using factory feed the fish will become fat. I raise fish only for my own consumption when the harvest comes. so I don't care about the fat or thinness of the fish. so that our fish remain healthy without factory feed. while my wife is indeed a very cheerful person. especially seeing so many types of fish. I am proud of her who is rarely sad even though there are many problems.😊😊😊

thank you, have a nice day.