Hi @brittandjosie. Yes, life can be over in a flash. And you never know when. The only day you are guaranteed is today. Your tribute to your friend is touching. True online friendships can and do exist for those who know what a true friendship is. It's just like loving a loved family member. Just like purchasing a greeting card for someone, your words memorialized on paper helps you in your grief.
Be grateful you got to spend that time with him. Your friendship probably helped him through many days.
Thanks for sharing your tribute to him.
He was great, and he pushed me to challenge myself and step outside my comfort zone doing my blogs and my fouroclocky. Truly someone that helped influence me in a positive way. And i treasure his friendship an the fact that his son is reconsidering his steem/hive carreer. And i most certainly help.
I am grateful I got to spend that time with him. And indeed the friendship probably helped him through many days just as it did me.
Thanks for stopping by,