Bo siempre fu un chico tranquilo, de poco hablar, de pocos amigos en la escuela. Se le veía sumido en sus pensamientos, como si viviera en otro plano existencial alterno al nuestro, le decían el rarito de los audífonos, pues siempre que podía se colocaba sus audífonos y encendía su Discman.
Angie, vivía muy cerca de Bo y hasta estudiaron en la misma escuela, sin embargo nunca tuvieron algún contacto o algo parecido, no se conocían , cada quien estaba en su mundo, por cierto, el mundo de Angie era la música pop con chicos guapos cantando, su grupo preferido eran los Backstreet Boys. Angie era una chica muy linda, pero no lo suficiente para los chicos populares del barrio bien acomodados donde vivía y la prestigiosa escuela donde estudiaba, así que no resaltaba entre las demás chichas, no era que le importara mucho, ya que ella solo quería la tranquilidad apropiada para escuchar la música que le gustaba, también cargaba un Discman en su bolso y escuchaba sus músicas preferidas siempre que tenía una oportunidad. Tenía pocas amigas porque ellas se basaban mucho en lo superficial y la apariencia, Angie estaba más interesada en lo profundo de nuestro existir, siempre tuvo algo dentro que la inquietaba.
ENGLISH VERSION (click here!)
Bo was always a quiet boy, not very talkative, with few friends at school. He was seen immersed in his thoughts, as if he lived in another existential plane alternate to ours, he was called the weirdo of the headphones, because whenever he could he put on his headphones and turned on his Discman.
Angie, lived very close to Bo and they even studied at the same school, however they never had any contact or anything like that, they didn't know each other, everyone was in their own world, by the way, Angie's world was pop music with cute guys singing, her favorite group was the Backstreet Boys. Angie was a very pretty girl, but not pretty enough for the popular boys in the well-to-do neighborhood where she lived and the prestigious school where she studied, so she didn't stand out among the other girls, not that she cared much, since she just wanted the proper tranquility to listen to the music she liked, she also carried a Discman in her purse and listened to her favorite music whenever she had a chance. She had few friends because they were based on the superficial and appearance, Angie was more interested in the depths of our existence, she always had something inside that made her restless.
Bo venía de buena familia, nunca tuvo problemas financieros. Ya de grande luego de graduarse de la universidad, decidió tomarse un descanso y viajar unos meses por el mundo, cosa que se podía permitir por el dinero de su familia, si bien no eran ricos, eran de clase media alta. Sus aventuras se basaban en conocer la espiritualidad de regiones importantes, evitaba los lugares mundanos y se centraba en templos y creencias ancestrales, en ese proceso se dio cuenta que todas tenían la música como algo muy importante y en algunas ni siquiera utilizaban instrumentos, sino que con solo la voz creaban maravillosas obras de arte. Al regresar a casa, Bo entendió que lo único que lo hacía sentir vivo y conectado con ese ser superior que no podemos ver, era la música. Inició así la búsqueda para crear música empezando con su propia voz, pero no era muy bueno en ello, así que se compró una flauta e inició su proceso de aprendizaje, luego una armónica, una guitarra, un teclado, y así sucesivamente con cuanto instrumento le llamaba la atención. Increíblemente era muy bueno en casi todos, no del nivel de un maestro, pero lo suficiente para que cada uno de estos instrumentos sonaran agradables al oído.
ENGLISH VERSION (click here!)
Bo came from a good family and never had financial problems. When he grew up after graduating from college, he decided to take a break and travel the world for a few months, something he could afford because of his family's money, although they were not rich, they were upper middle class. His adventures were based on knowing the spirituality of important regions, he avoided the mundane places and focused on temples and ancestral beliefs, in that process he realized that they all had music as something very important and some did not even use instruments, but with only the voice they created wonderful works of art. Upon returning home, Bo realized that the only thing that made him feel alive and connected to that higher being that we cannot see, was music. So he began the quest to create music starting with his own voice, but he wasn't very good at it, so he bought a flute and began his learning process, then a harmonica, a guitar, a keyboard, and so on with every instrument that caught his attention. Amazingly he was very good at almost all of them, not at the level of a master, but good enough to make each of these instruments sound pleasing to the ear.
Angie, al graduarse de la universidad estuvo asistiendo a tantos conciertos como pudo de sus grupos preferidos, al igual que Bo, venía de una familia clase media alta. Ella sentía que la música hacía vibrar su ser interior pero no se sentía completa, como si algo le faltara, como si su espíritu estuviera buscando algo que completara su ser. Ella no entendía porque se sentía tan cerca de encontrarlo pero a la vez tan lejos, sentía que debía estar en una constante búsqueda de no saber qué, ni donde, o cómo. Su cuerpo vibraba sin control y sabía que existía algo que pudiera controlar esas vibraciones, aunque no sabía qué. Angie, después buscar en conciertos eso que no sabía, decidió parar e intentar ella misma crear música, pensó que era lo que necesitaba para sentirse completa. Intentó con varios instrumentos pero no poseía un talento natural, su sorpresa fue gigante al intentar cantar, se grabó y cuando ella misma se escuchó le pareció una voz excelente. Sin dudar entró en una reconocida academia llamada Risingstar para educar la voz, y todos quedaron sorprendidos por su voz tan potente y exquisita.
Risingstar tenía la costumbre de dar espectáculos increíbles en los eventos de graduación de sus estudiantes. Normalmente todos los músicos y cantantes eran los mismos graduados, los invitados a ser parte del público eran los familiares, personajes importantes, cazatalentos, representantes de empresas de espectáculos, entre otros, este evento servía como presentación de los nuevos artistas al mundo del espectáculo.
Cuando Angie se graduó de esta academia Risingstar, Bo fue invitado al evento como músico, pues su padre era un tipo con influencia y sabía que su hijo tenía un don para poder tocar varios instrumentos de una forma bastante decente, le comentó esto al encargado y éste con gusto solicitó sus servicios, ya que aunque habían muchos músicos graduados, a veces no completaban la cuota de instrumentos a requerir en ciertas piezas y debían recurrir a contratar personas ajenas a la academia. Con Bo estarían ahorrando mucho ya que él podría tocar varios instrumentos según la pieza.
Angie subió al escenario a cantar un Blues, entre los músicos que la acompañaban estaba Bo con un teclado. Ellos no notaron la presencia el uno del otro, nada especial. (En este momento deben reproducir el siguiente video e imaginar que el sonido de una de las guitarras es un teclado).
ENGLISH VERSION (click here!)
Angie, upon graduating from college was attending as many concerts as she could of her favorite bands, just like Bo, she came from an upper middle class family. She felt that music made her inner being vibrate but she didn't feel complete, as if something was missing, as if her spirit was searching for something to complete her being. She didn't understand why she felt so close to finding it but at the same time so far away, she felt she must be in a constant search of not knowing what, or where, or how. Her body was vibrating uncontrollably and she knew there was something that could control those vibrations, although she didn't know what. Angie, after searching in concerts for what she didn't know, decided to stop and try to create music herself, she thought it was what she needed to feel complete. She tried with several instruments but she did not have a natural talent, her surprise was gigantic when she tried to sing, she recorded herself and when she heard herself she thought she had an excellent voice. Without hesitation she entered a renowned academy called Risingstar for voice training, and everyone was amazed by her powerful and exquisite voice.
Risingstar had the habit of giving incredible shows at the graduation events of their students. Normally all the musicians and singers were the graduates themselves, those invited to be part of the audience were family members, important people, talent scouts, representatives of entertainment companies, among others, this event served as an introduction of the new artists to the entertainment world.
When Angie graduated from this Risingstar Academy, Bo was invited to the event as a musician, because his father was a guy with influence and knew that his son had a gift to play several instruments in a pretty decent way, he told this to the manager and he gladly requested his services, because although there were many graduated musicians, sometimes they did not complete the quota of instruments required in certain pieces and had to resort to hire people outside the academy. With Bo they would be saving a lot since he could play several instruments depending on the piece.
Angie went on stage to sing a Blues, among the musicians accompanying her was Bo with a keyboard. They did not notice each other's presence, nothing special. (At this point they should play the following video and imagine that the sound of one of the guitars is a keyboard).
Cuando Bo escucho la voz de Angie su cuerpo se estremeció como nunca en la vida, algo en su interior se activo, un sentimiento que nunca había sentido, una especia de magia lo envolvió y su mirada se centró en esa mujer que estaba cantando, sus dedos tocaban por inercia pero su mente y su ser no estaban en ese lugar. Algo similar le ocurrió a Angie cuando escuchó el teclado afinado a modo de guitarra de Bo, dentro de ella hubo una paz como nunca la había sentido, sus vibraciones internas se afinaron, sus ojos voltearon a ver a Bo y ambos quedaron fijos viéndose el uno al otro mientras seguían con la música. Angie sentía que lo había encontrado, no estaba segura pero sospechaba que al fin había encontrado lo que estaba buscando.
Fue así como estos dos grandes artistas enlazaron sus vidas y se dedicaron a hacer música para sanar y guiar. Angie y Bo vivían a dos casas el uno del otro, estudiaron en la misma escuela, y sin embargo nunca se habían conocido.
Hoy este matrimonio viaja por el mundo compartiendo su música, una música que lejos de llamar a lo material y mundano, llama al amor verdadero y la búsqueda de los espiritual.
ENGLISH VERSION (click here!)
When Bo heard Angie's voice his body shuddered like never before in his life, something inside him was activated, a feeling he had never felt before, a kind of magic enveloped him and his gaze was focused on that woman who was singing, his fingers played by inertia but his mind and his being were not in that place. Something similar happened to Angie when she heard the keyboard tuned to Bo's guitar, inside her there was a peace like she had never felt before, her inner vibrations were tuned, her eyes turned to Bo and both were fixed on seeing each other while they continued with the music. Angie felt she had found him, she wasn't sure but she suspected she had finally found what she was looking for.
And so it was that these two great artists linked their lives and dedicated themselves to making music for healing and guidance. Angie and Bo lived two houses away from each other, attended the same school, and yet they had never met.
Today this couple travels the world sharing their music, a music that far from calling to the material and mundane, calls to true love and the search for the spiritual.
Imagen de portada BING IA Copilot
Me gustó que hayas incluido un video, amigo! Le dio más fuerza y veracidad a la narración. Saludos
Gracias Nancy. Esa música me encanta.
Gracias Danzo.
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@danzocal(6/10) tipped @morenow
Buena historia, ambos tenían mucho en común, genial que al fina pudieran conocerse. Gracias por compartirla con nosotros morenow.