Échame el Cuento: Creer que las Hadas Existen

in Mundo Hispano7 months ago

Conoce los Refranes de Venezuela.png


Hola amigos de Mundo Hispano, esta es mi primera vez participando en la Columna Echame un cuento en un tema muy divertido y que me trajo bonitos recuerdos de mi infancia. Cuando era niña, me creí muchas mentiras piadosas de mis padres, como la existencia de Santa Claus. Recuerdo que varias Navidades miraba al cielo para ver si lo descubría o miraba al cielo tratando de ver uno de sus renos. Mis padres siempre se enfocaban en el Niño Jesús a pesar de nombrar a santa, aunque en mi mente de 5 años llegue a pensar como un bebé recién nacido andaría repitiendo regalos por toda Venezuela, igual me paso con el cuento de los reyes a los 5 años me creía todo, hasta la leyenda del coco que se escondía debajo de la cama. Mi imaginación volaba cuando escuchaba las historias de fantasía y misterio que me contaba mi mamá para alegrarme las Navidades y evitar que me portaran mal. Cuando llego el tiempo de mudar mis dientes estaba asustada porque un ratón se podía montar en mi cama, aunque me molestaba porque me dejaba poco dinero según porque si me daba mucho más seguramente Hiba a comprar dulces y los dulces me iban a picar los dientes nuevos, eso me molestaba de ese ratón, ahora que recuerdo esta inocencia me causa risa las cosas que me imaginaba a los 7.


Mujer Hada
Autor de la imagen

Creer que las Hadas existían

La imaginación vuela cuando somos niños y una verdad de las que pocas personas cercanas a mi saben es que cuando tenía 8 años creia en que las Hadas existían. Esa idea no surgio viendo a Disney quien siempre presentaba Hadas, en relidad mi gusto por ellas empezo cuando llegue a la biblioteca y heche un vistazo a un libro de fantasia que describia la naturaleza de las Hadas y el magico poder que las acompañaba,esa fue una edad para mi muy importante porque nacio en mi una pasión por la lectura no solo de fantasia, la historia griega y egipcia también era de mis libros favoritos.
Después de leer varios libros de fantasía empeze a imaginar que en mi patio escondida en los arboles había seres pequeños como las Hadas. Según un libro infantil que lei en esa epoca solo un niño de corazón puro podía verlas, eso me motivo a portarme bien por un buen rato para ver si al llover las miraba en las flores o en las frutas. Fue una idea que guarde hasta de mis hermanas, un secreto, porque quería atrapar una para que así también creyerán. La necesidad de creer nos acompaña desde que somos niños, para mi pensar en las Hadas era un mundo magico y lleno de aventuras.

Mientras no hable de mi secreto de creer en las Hadas fue interesante todo lo que aprendi en la biblioteca, porque cada viernes hiba con permiso de mis padres a hacer mis tareas y aprovechar leer libros de ese estante lleno de polvo que habia en la biblioteca, leer historias de Hadas y fantasia era mi motivación hasta que le dije a mi mamá lo que creía y mi mundo se derrumbo como cuando me dijo la verdad de que las Hadas eran solo dibujos, mi mundo se quebro por esa verdad como cuando me dijo la verdad detrás del niño Jesús para dejar de comprarme juguetes. Entonces ir a la biblioteca ya no era lo mismo me desanime mucho y deje de leer por un tiempo historias. Ese secreto lo guarde hasta mis 9 años y es quizás la creencia que yo misma elegi seguir en mi infancia, nadie me invito a seguirla, lo hice porque era parte de ese mundo imaginario en el que viví en ese epoca.
Después del amargo sabor de la verdad, para no perder el gusto por las historias de fantasía, me dediqué a contarle a mi hermana pequeña historias de Hadas y toda clase de seres de fantasía, solo de esa forma mantuve mis deseos por aprender más de los libros. Esta es mi historia con el tema Cuenta algo inocente que creías de niño, espero que les guste mi relato.

Para esta inciativa Échame el Cuento/ Cuenta algo inocente que creías de niño me gustaría invitar a @graciel-chan, @omaira74, @liberius-1
Las imagenes que use para este post son de pixabay .
Post traducido en Deepl.
La portada fue realizada con recursos de Canva versión gratis por @emotak
Testimonio propiedad de Siloe Campos @emotak

Conoce los Refranes de Venezuela.png


Hello Mundo Hispano friends, this is my first time participating in the Echame un cuento column on a very funny topic that brought back beautiful memories of my childhood. When I was a child, I believed many of my parents' pious lies, such as the existence of Santa Claus. I remember several Christmases they would look up in the sky to see if I would spot him or look up in the sky for one of his reindeer. My parents always focused on the Baby Jesus in spite of naming Santa, although in my 5 year old mind I came to think how a newborn baby would go repeating gifts all over Venezuela, the same thing happened to me with the story of the kings at 5 years old I believed everything, even the legend of the coconut that was hidden under the bed. My imagination flew when I listened to the stories of fantasy and mystery that my mother told me to cheer me up at Christmas and prevent me from misbehaving. When it was time to change my teeth I was scared because a mouse could ride on my bed, although it bothered me because he left me little money because if he gave me much more I would surely buy candy and the candy would bite my new teeth, that bothered me about that mouse, now that I remember this innocence makes me laugh at the things I imagined at the age of 7.


Mujer Hada
Autor de la imagen

Believing that fairies existed

Imagination runs wild when we are children and a truth that few people close to me know is that when I was 8 years old I believed that fairies existed. That idea did not come from watching Disney who always presented fairies, in fact my taste for them began when I got to the library and took a look at a fantasy book that described the nature of fairies and the magical power that accompanied them, that was a very important age for me because I was born in my passion for reading not only fantasy, Greek and Egyptian history was also one of my favorite books.
After reading several fantasy books I began to imagine that in my backyard hidden in the trees there were small beings like fairies. According to a children's book I read at that time, only a child with a pure heart could see them, that motivated me to behave myself for a long time to see if it rained and I could see them in the flowers or in the fruits. It was an idea that I kept even from my sisters, a secret, because I wanted to catch one so that they would also believe. The need to believe has been with us since we were children. For me, thinking about fairies was a magical world full of adventures.

While I didn't talk about my secret of believing in fairies it was interesting everything I learned in the library, because every Friday I went with my parents permission to do my homework and take advantage of reading books from that shelf full of dust that was in the library, reading stories of fairies and fantasy was my motivation until I told my mom what I believed and my world collapsed as when she told me the truth that fairies were just drawings, my world was broken by that truth as when she told me the truth behind the baby Jesus to stop buying me toys. Then going to the library was no longer the same, I got discouraged and stopped reading stories for a while. I kept that secret until I was 9 years old and it is perhaps the belief that I chose to follow in my childhood, nobody invited me to follow it, I did it because it was part of that imaginary world in which I lived at that time.
After the bitter taste of the truth, in order not to lose my taste for fantasy stories, I dedicated myself to tell my little sister stories of Fairies and all kinds of fantasy beings, only that way I kept my desire to learn more from books. This is my story with the theme Tell something innocent that you believed as a child, I hope you like my story.

For this initiative Échame el Cuento/ Tell something innocent that you thought as a child, i would like to invite @graciel-chan, @omaira74, @liberius-1
The images I used for this post are from pixabay.
Post translated in Deepl.
The cover was made with Canva resources free version by @emotak
Testimonial property of Siloe Campos @emotak


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I can relate, I also believed in fairies then and I could travel wide with my imaginations.
It's a good thing you didn't kill that taste.

I love fairly tales though 🤭

We share childhood tastes, fairies and fantasy😍.My childhood was very colorful with fairies, it was a very nice time.

Children can be very naive, we believe everything we are told by our parents either real or not. Almost every child had an imaginary world or being they believe exist somewhere around them or in a different universe. Is that not what makes being a child so magical?

As we grow older we get exposed to reality and our old beliefs fades away and more realistic goals replaces our imaginary world.

Pop in from #dreemport

So little by little, children are leaving behind childhood and the magical moments it gives us. 🤗

I loved listening to and reading fantasy stories. Children have great imagination. Unfortunately as we grow older, we feel disappointed that the people whose words we believed have been lying to us.

Lying causes a lot of deception in children. Enjoying a good fantasy story is also still enjoyable for me , thanks for reading my experience. 🌷