Pay to Teach Airdrop / Wednesday / Back to Limahong

in CCHlast month


Pay to Teach Airdrop

It was an issue for crypto people here in the Philippines regarding a group of men who will teach airdrops with a payment of Php3k/pax, and the funny thing is is a partner. Some crypto people criticized the move especially in a group where I'm a member of. In that group, they will teach how to earn airdrops for free.


My wife went downstairs early to prepare our breakfast, my in-laws came in. I did my work, and of course Wednesday Walk.

Back to Limahong

My wife and I went to Limahong again for fresh air. My wife drove our tricycle as she wanted to improve her driving. Soon, I will be practicing to drive as well. It was just postponed when I had foot injury and infection.

While in Limahong, I captured the shots below, with the fisherman. This is their favorite spot in the afternoon, probably there may be a lot of fish in the area. It is where the river meets the sea, and fishes which swim either in both may be found here.






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