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RE: Stealth Camper Van for Photo Trips

in CCHlast year

It's an excellent vehicle, you have everything there, it's very well equipped, I congratulate you, you have a place to take refuge when your wife is angry with you 😅, I imagine she's worried and you're taking photos and staying calm in this vehicle... home, I better not make jokes , I do not want your wife to get upset , or possibly laugh , better not to say more , an excellent vehicle bought with your work on this panel , very good , I keep working and persevering , it is the best way to get what we wish, you must be very proud of yourself, now you must propose another goal and you will surely achieve it


I even have a toilet, although I hope I will never have to use it 🤣 !LOLZ

My wife knows that the van is my place to be alone and relax, to forget... she would certainly laugh 😀

My next goal is to become an Orca again ... or to buy a new camera 😉

I'm happy that 5 years ago I decided to join the Blockchain, otherwise I surely wouldn't have the van yet.
Thank you very much kindly, I wish you much luck that Hive will be able to help you too 😊

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