Many amazing things we found while exploring the forest

in CCH3 years ago (edited)


Helo my Friends
How are you all in the CCH community! I hope you are in good health wherever you are. This time I want to share some pictures of monkeys that I took some time ago in the mountainous area of Seulawah.

Bagaimana kabar anda semua di komunitas CCH! Saya berharap kalian dalam keadaan sehat saja dimana pun kalian berada. Kali ini aku ingin membagikan beberapa gambar monyet yang saya ambil beberapa waktu lalu di daerah pegunungan seulawah.

At that time, my friends and I opened a hiking trail to the top of Mount Seulawah. On the way, I saw a group of monkeys among the trees in the forest.

Waktu itu, aku bersama teman-teman melakukan pembukaan jalur untuk pendakian ke puncak gunung Seulawah. Di tengah perjalanan, aku melihat segerobolan monyet di antara pepohonan di hutan tersebut.

Well, I think this is a very interesting object for me to capture in my camera lens. At that time, I asked my friends to stop for a moment before continuing the journey to open a hiking trail to the top of the mountain.

Nah, aku pikir ini objek yang sangat menarik untuk aku abadikan kedalam lensa kamera saya. Waktu itu, aku meminta kepada teman-teman untuk berhenti sejenak sebelum kita melanjutkan perjanan pembukaan jalur untuk pendakian ke puncak gunung.

While resting, I took the camera in my backpack, then I put a telephoto lens, because the monkeys were far from where we rested. Even though it's far. But still visible.

Sambil beristirahat, aku mengambil kamera di dalam tas ransel, selanjutkan aku memasang lensa tele, karena monyet-monyet tersebut memiliki jarak yang jauh dari tempat kami beristirahat. Meskipun jauh. Namun masi terlihat.

After all my equipment is ready. I started aiming for it. And it was a bit dark at that time, because it was getting late. So I had to find an opening in the sun to be able to shoot the monkeys.

Setelah semua peralatan saya siap. Aku pun mulai membidiknya. Dan saat itu, suasana sedikit gelap, karena hari menjelang sore. Jadi saya harus mencari celah cahaya matahari untuk dapat membidik kumpulan monyet-monyet tersebut.

After being satisfied with aiming at the monkeys, we continued our journey to the top of Mount Selawah. And I hope to find the monkeys when we come back down from above.

*Setelah aku puas membidik kawanan monyet tersebut, kami pun kembali melanjutkan perjalanan menuju ke puncak gunung Selawah. Dan saya berharap akan menemukan kumpulan monyet tersebut saat kami kembali turun dari puncak. *

Here are some pictures of monkeys captured by my camera. And I will share it with all of you in this community. Hope you guys like it.

Inilah beberapa gambar monyet hasil bidikan kamera saya. Dan saya akan membagikannya kepada kalian semua di komunitas ini. Semoga kalian menyukainya.










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Great post with nice pictures from the forest and detailed description.
ps. I looked at your you tube channel, street food was interesting

Terima kasih pak @visionaer3003
Saya memang sangat menyukai pergi menjelajahi hutan.

Monyet-monyet yang sangat imut .