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RE: Stock Images Main index

in Stock Images3 years ago (edited)


Is this the current index? I like this group but sometimes it's hard to figure things out on hive so having the index is nice. Perhaps a way to search menu would be awesome!

For all i know you have a website!

Maybe how some artists have "portfolio" section on their profile as a menu/ page where it says posts/blog/wallet/etc then have the index or search there

But im glad I've seen this, now ihave etter idea on what to contribute here!


Sadly we don't have a site at the moment. Those sorts of things aren't my strong point, but maybe one day. The index is updated regularly. I believe you can search words on a desktop using F4, although as we break the index down alphabetically that will need to be done in the individual lettered indexes.

The portfolio section. Now there's an idea! Something I might suggest to our contributors.

Slowly trying to get more organised and work with contributors to try and make the indexes easier to go through. I've just added some tips which I've pinned in the community, which might give you an idea of where we're trying to head in this regard.