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RE: 9/11, Predictive Programming And The Role Of Collective Consciousness

Sheer fucking brilliance. 👏

As referred to through the Human Design lens, we're in a Program, merely observing a movie through these meat-suit vehicles. Thus, alot is already prewritten. And thus, perhaps many people people just having foreseen certain events coming ahead - predictable according to the patterns inherent in The Program. Or perhaps often not even "foreseeing," so much as merely picking up those frequency waves, experiencing & interpreting them differently.

I've been questioning this phenomena alot lately, as many have launched a witch hunt against Bill Gates, insisting he had some major role in planning this pandemic... whereas what if he was merely reading the patterns and knew it was coming? After all, whether looking at the history of a pandemic in 1920, 1820, etc - or the astrology, as Leo King had been calling for a "plague" this year for the last 2-3 years... perhaps Gates was just well-educated and aware of the larger evolutionary cycles that occur on this planet, thus his fears perfectly reasonable and the planning done as preparation - the whole nefarious conspiracy merely others' faulty misinterpretations because their cognitive biases are kicking it to compensate for the lack of higher perspective and data to see that this, too, is all just part of The Program...?

In any case, this was undoubtedly one of the most original, insightful pieces I've ever read on the whole 9/11 thing. Good stuff. 🍻

 5 years ago  

I appreciate you kind words! And I've been digging into Human Design (haven't really come across it before reading your posts on Hive).

For a lot of the conspiracy stuff, I think people recognize the pattern, the program, but fail to see it for what it is because their limited worldviews only work towards enemy-building - they ascribe intent to others in order to make villains, missing out on the larger picture and their own part in it.

An example in the freedom movement is Brandon Smith of - I read everything this dude publishes and his predictions are insanely accurate, but he seems unable to recognize "cosmic" forces, seeing everything merely as a human conspiracy.

With that said, something being a metaphysical program, pattern or vibration doesn't preclude the existence of an actual human conspiracy - the thing that bothers me with most people is how little critical thinking they do before jumping on the conspiracy bandwagon. Nuanced thinking should be the motto of the 21st century if we want to do better as a society.

Well, I guess we're getting there slowly but surely. After all, evolution is typically a process that occurs over thousands of years... we've made some pretty significant technology leaps in the last few decades alone, that the brain needs to catch up with.

Certainly, times like these where we're flooded with misinformation from all sides and forces to develop those critical thinking skills is a precursor to actually living that nuanced thinking.

It's surely coming. Having spent the last 400 years in the Cross Of Planning with so much authority granted to institutions, there's been a large reliance on outside "expertise" that has left these capacities dormant/underdeveloped. It'll be interesting as we progress toward 2027 and beyond in the next cycle how the individualized thinking plays out, especially as more step into their own differentiated frequencies and correctly follow their own unique Strategy & Authority - whereby those nuances are not only a matter of thought, but actuated being...