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RE: The Ugly Truth About Affiliate Marketing & Crypto

in The CTP Swarm3 years ago

Coinbase used to pay a lot more, but like you, I've been in the same game and seen all kinds of shiny objects floating around and had my share of foolery bitter my tastebuds. It's why I started in on crypto full time. Good points up there bud.


Thanks man. And I feel it's just going to get worse. Because of the hype and hoopla with BTC prices, people will be coming onboard more to poke around...Sadly, the predators will be out in full force.

I'll have to put out a mirror for this and hope others do the same because we need to protect people man. I know most people here are fairly educated but getting it spread around will keep that notion in their brains to also help look out for others as they migrate to the cryptospace.

Yeah man, slow and steady for sure...Push in the right direction. Hopefully more people see the suspect stuff and steer clear!