I can take a lot.
I really can. Through countless hours of meditation and a concerted effort of hard work on myself I've learned how to handle a lot of different kinds of bullshit that in the past may have sent off into a screaming, cussing tornado of vitriol.
Just ask my wonderful wife, she brags on me. (It's embarrassing, but I love it.)
But what I can't take is being lied to.
And I get it. One has to do what one has to do for ones self. That doesn't add any sugar on the pill I have to swallow though, now does it? Two weeks into a new job, a job that pays well and is quite a bit more professionally run than I'm used to, and I'm starting to feel very lied to. I made an employment decision that affects my family and our future based on this lie. And now, not only am I second-guessing myself but I just can't get past the friggin' lie.
I mean, seriously.
Is this what a breaking point feels like? The more I chew on this, the less I want to go back to work for this guy and help him make more money while he pays me pennies on the dollar. On writing that last sentence I did a little bit of mental math, and would you believe that it would take me three and three-quarters of an hour to make what he sells one steak for? And that's before taxes, I'm not even gonna start on Uncle Sam's cut.
Is this real life? Imagine three fives and a couple of ones, that's what I make.
In an hour.
What's wrong with me?
Well, after the breaks come the turns. I fully believe that.
Is this what a turning point feels like?
It's a resounding, ear-splitting, earth-shattering (ka-boom?) YES.
There are no more excuses, only accountability.
Only the grind.
Don't call it a comeback.
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