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RE: What Does Hive Need In 2023?

in The CTP Swarmlast year

yup this is exactly where we are heading. as far as i know, the only problem with paywalls, is that it limits the places the content can be stored, so its less decentralised. however, if we can get this to a place where you need a creator NFT attached to your account in order to view content, even if that content is stored in multiple places off chain, that would be incredible.


I love this idea so much. :)

I think I heard with IPFS and Filecoin at least, people could be storing pieces of files they aren't specifically aware they're storing (meaning the specific file) - I wonder if something like this could be leveraged in the SPK network way?

Members of a community can store community assets even if they don't have access to them to view yet... may even be a way to earn access to view etc...

certainly something to be looked into