Mid-autumn street. Part 2

in Photographylast month (edited)

It is always necessary to shoot when there is a desire and a fuse, and if it disappears for a certain genre, switches to another, then do not delete photos that are not touched at the moment.


If it seems to you after a while that you have captured nonsense, then you do not need to delete anything. Then the moment will come when you will like some of these pictures, and others will stop.

In general, it's good if you like absolutely everything.

I have no obvious aversion to my pictures, but sometimes I look at some of them and think that nothing in the picture catches at all.

And then after a while, depending on the creative wave, something starts to catch on.

It often happens that I'm just delighted with my own pictures.

But I don't have the understanding and awareness that I'm some kind of great photographer.

I shoot well, photos are popular on social networks.

Many exhibitions are held in different regions with my pictures.

But this is still on an impersonal level...

The photos are signed, but this is not a solo exhibition.

Well, the most popular postcard views are still being shown, but something underground remains in the underground.

The street with dugouts, graphics and courtyards is currently published only on the Internet.

But street photography is in demand as a reportage in social networks.

Graphics can also be reposted.

But this happens extremely rarely with dugouts.

Here are the conclusions: the underground is the most sincere, and the popular postcard photo is the most in demand.