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RE: Matching Outfits, aka Clothing Twins - Also new NFT art

in Photography4 years ago

That's true! And then there's also the really old couples. It's so heart warming to see in the spring time (I don't know when, I just assume) when it's time to change to beige / light brown and white and really old couples follow that rule. You know, beige pants that are straight from the forties or fifties. That is classy.


I always find dressing the same as super weird. The funniest I have seen though were a japanese couple in Australia wearing the same shoes - those platform sandals from the late 90s.

Ah, shoes. People crazy about shoes is a whole different story so perhaps that was "just" that. Shoe manics. :D

In a small city like this there's always the possibility that I know someone who knows the people in my photos, but despite that I'm still going to say this: there's something wrong with the couples that dress alike. The only thing normal and allowed, perhaps even assumed in dressing alike is a handkerchief of the same fabric as the ladies evening gown when dressing for a fancy event. Or if it's a same sex couple, something very little similar but not all the way same garments from head to toes.

The only thing normal and allowed, perhaps even assumed in dressing alike is a handkerchief of the same fabric as the ladies evening gown when dressing for a fancy event.

Yes, I agree. For some of the special events - weddings etc - I will match my handkerchief/tie - that is all.