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Hi hivers:
In my hometown, San Andrés y Sauces, we have several tourist spots that are well known for their unique beauty. One of them is the El Charco Azul natural pools, made up of a large natural pool, a beautiful shallow pool and an artificial pool for children. After a year with the pools closed we can enjoy them again, since they were closed due to strict local laws on the Covid pandemic. It is undoubtedly a joy for all of us and for the companies that benefit from tourism, since this point is one of the most visited on La Palma.
Hola Hivers:
En mi ciudad natal, San Andrés y Sauces, tenemos varios puntos turísticos muy conocidos por su singular belleza. Uno de ellos son las piscinas naturales El Charco Azul, compuesto por una gran piscina natural, un hermoso charco de poca profundidad y una piscina artificial para los niños. Despues de un año con las piscinas cerradas podemos volver a disfrutar de ellas, ya que estuvieron cerradas debido a las estrictas leyes locales sobre la pandemia de Covid. Sin duda es una alegría para todoso nosotros y para las empresas que se benefician del turismo, ya que este punto es unos de los más visitados en La Palma.

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Did you know I'm a Dlux.io and a Hive-Engine Witness?
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Copyright: Javier Sebastian, Canary Islands. All my images are original.
If you want to buy any of my visuals, please drop me a message, I'm on Discord: JavierSebastian#5816
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Really beautiful place. Thank you for your participation