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RE: How Long Should The Curation Window On Hive Be?

in dPoll3 years ago

I'm leaning more towards 9-12. It takes about that long to charge my voting power plus it's annoying being "late" to a post if I'm off doing something important, like sleeping.

Every single vote cast by me was done manually. It's about damn time people actually using the platform get a fair shake.

Not a fan of leaving this app just to go push a button on another app so consider this comment my button push.


Yeah, sleeping sometimes interferes with my curation too. It sucks.

plus it's annoying being "late" to a post if I'm off doing something important, like sleeping.

yep - this was my thinking too.

Hugs dear friend. Successes in your work at Hive. Your evaluation is an encouragement for our publications. Thank you.

One more point is that having at least 12 hrs gives opportunity to people from different time zones. I go for 12.