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RE: Hive Music Festival Week 127 Round 1 "Cuando el Horizonte" Original Song By @sayury

in Music Zone8 days ago

Dear friend @jesus-son, thank you for your words of encouragement. Yes, He is always present and gives meaning to everything. I am very happy about your progress in your studies and that you are learning more, perhaps, than you thought you would, since you are doing this to put it to use later. May God and the Virgin accompany every step of your humble walk, being your light and helping you to be a light for others.


Amen to your prayers
Thank you very much

You are ever welcome.

You are ever welcome. El aprender varios idiomas te abre ventanas a diversos mundos. Las diferencias gramaticales de uno a otro nos sorprenden unas veces, otras nos divierten , pero todas las veces nos dejan una gran enseñanza que tiene qué ver con el respeto al otro que es diferente.

Sono d'accordo
Vado avvanti nonostante le difficoltà
Buona domenica

Sono d'escendo
Vado Avvanti Nonostante Le Factot
Buona domenica