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RE: Zeiss Ikon Colora F - The First Photos With ZIAG


Don't be sorry, I liked what you said and agree. People are just people I guess, and we can choose to be better ones, you and I (or everyone) but we can't really make people be better ones.

In my think like a leader post on Thursday I write about this exact thing, (it's written already). I mean about human's inability to stop the greed and ego and the pursuit of war. I don't see it changing and so I see a bad future ahead. My post explains it more. Interesting you refer to that stuff though. We think the same obviously. (Similar).

If you could get your hands in to that knowledge that was in the destroyed library of Alexandria, or get to see any other place that was destroyed

I'd be there in a shot...I love history, unfolding its layers and revealing...I don't know, truth, understanding and clarity. I wish I had a time machine. No one from the current present would ever see me again.


In my think like a leader post on Thursday I write about this exact thing

Hey, thanks for the hint, I better remember to check your post this Thursday.

No one from the current present would ever see me again.

Or we would. You'd be the guy in the crowd with just a tad too modern clothes in historical photos and ancient cave paintings. :D

Or we would. You'd be the guy in the crowd with just a tad too modern clothes in historical photos and ancient cave paintings.

You have the ability to make me smile so big! I like it.