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RE: Sour dough lessons, the end of tobacco & personal milestone achieved 🎉

I’ve been tobacco free for almost 3 years myself, and I can not be any happier! No more being a slave to a stick that kills.

However I still smoke cannabis the old school way. I know it’s not the best way. That’s a nice vaporizer! I may have to switch one day

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Smoking (clean cannabis) isn't all that bad for ya! Vapour is probably best for health, but IMO cannabis smokers (who don't use govt weed or tobacco) tend to be pretty healthy! Puff puff pass....

I would go as far as to say it is good for you!

Saw a study years ago (long before the days of vaping) which compared the lungs of pure green smokers with joint smokers (green/tobacco mix) & non smokers. And it turned out the people who had the healthiest lungs were the pure green smokers! So... it pays to be a smoker if you're smoking the right thing ;)

Puff puff pass...

Well I honestly wouldn't know, I've never even tasted tobacco, not once. I don't know why, actually, it just never happened. Which is fine with me!
Puff puff and pass again...

Congratulations on the three years! Yes, it sure feels good to be free from it. Something else I feel today is that it wouldn't be a huge jump from here to say no to the weed some days. It feels strangely mild without the tobacco.

While I do think vapes are the way forward I still have a little pipe for those moments when I want the extra kick.

Can't hurt to have both ;)