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RE: clearing new paths

Hallo, @thisismework- thanks so much for your great, interesting response 🙏🏻🌹I feel the call as a full-body-yes - a kind of all-feeling sense of rightness about going in a certain direction... Often, it'll persist as a thought form, repeatedly calling in my mind - in a holistic way, not as a detached thought process... Yes! I work holistically a lot, and have cultivated a strong deep connection, through painting intuitively all my Life 💚🌺💗Glad to hear your thoughts on this, as it's such a fascinating subject, and it's inspiring to know how others feel the call! 🙏🏻🌟

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Mm, painting intuitively, that resonates! I once had an accident while skiing. In the first aid office, they took off my boot and found my foot covered in crazy colors...I forgot that I had been painting on my feet and legs, after I had finished painting a soccer ball haha I've learned this life for me is about being a creative role model, loving embracing this role! Thanks for the inspirations!!

Ooooh - I love this story - such a great image!!

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