Gut health, magnesium and COVID-19

I recently had a bought with COVID-19. I caught it from my father who had been double vaxxed but had a breakthrough case. I chose not to get vaxxed. I told my ex wife, who is an infectious disease doctor, that I thought I had COVID (I hadn't been tested yet) and she told me to take magnesium citrate which acts as a powerful laxative. I did not immediately follow her advice, but a few days later when she asked my why I hadn't, I gave in and took the medicine. For about 8 hours I had to go to the bathroom about every 30 minutes. But, a couple of days later I felt better. She said I should take a pro-biotic and eat very healthy for the next week or so.

There are several studies that back up this regimen. The first is a study on magnesium, vitamin D, b12 and improving COVID outcomes.


There are also studies linking gut health and COVID 19 severity.,-New

One of the symptoms that I had prior to taking the magnesium citrate was nausea including dry heaving. I considered myself a somewhat healthy eater, but the weeks before catching COVID I had been working out of town remodelling a convenience store. Quite a few days I took advantage of their cheap hot dogs and other fast food. That has to be bad for my gut.

COVID 19 is a serious illness, but like most illnesses, if you actually take care of your body, your body will take care of you.


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