Tobacco Poison or medicine? Chemistry explains it

in Natural Medicine4 years ago

Currently, tobacco is one of the most profitable markets worldwide

But what is tobacco?

The commercial tobacco that we know about, is a processed product from the leaf of a plant known as Nicotiana tabacum, which belongs to the group of Solanaceae characterized by its medicinal potency.



This commercial tobacco is made up of:

  1. Nicotiana tabacum
  2. Tar
  3. Carbon monoxide
  4. Formaldehyde
  5. Lead
  6. Benzene
  7. Among others

I recommend this research:
Martin Ruiz A, Rodriguez Gomez I, Rubio C, Revert C and Hardisson A:

The industry takes advantage of a natural compound in a negative way leaving aside its possible medicinal use, it shows us that the use that we give humans to substances, whether natural or not, is our complete responsibility.

Personally, I know relatives of great friends who have died from the indiscriminate use of tobacco, in fact I am very allergic to smoke and I dislike its smell. As well as people who have consumed the leaf of the Nicotiana tabacum cultivated on the Isla de Margarita (Venezuela) and have lived many years without side effects.

Behind any product there is an origin, a culture and traditions that support it, like a chemistry that supports it.
In history let us remember that part of what we have today comes from Greek or Roman mythologies, so it is with Tobacco, its word derives from a Roman history:

"Bacchus, asleep warning the goddess Venus by the spells of Paris, gave him a powder from said plant, at the instigation of which the goddess awoke and pronounced in the expression of Ta! ... Bacchus!" (Carnicero, 1821)

If we review the history of this part of the world we find that in American cultures the power of herbs was transcendental, has spiritual energy and even magical powers, American shamans considered it sacred, performing rituals to stop storms and as thanks when avoided some danger.

However, it was not until the discovery of America, the arrival in Tabasco, Yucatan found a herb that was used to treat asthma, seizures and skin diseases (Chevalier, 1997)

But what component generated these reactions?


The chemical nature of Nicotiana tabacum is composed of:

Glucosides: with compounds that contain sugar: glucose that is generated from a metabolic process of the plant and "aglucon" that determines the therapeutic effect

Mineral salts: high concentration of minerals that helps maintain mineral concentration in the body

Phenolic acids: they are antiseptic and anti-inflammatory compounds that have irritating effects on the skin

Alkaloids: they are molecules with chemicals with the functional group NH2 that makes them pharmacologically active. Helps to relieve pain, reduces spasms. Among them nicotine, myosmin, anabaseine, anatabine, nornicotine, etc. (Plants and fungi)

Volatile Oil: they are liquids with characteristic odor, they have an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal effect

The alkaloid in greater quantity is nicotine, which is what makes Nicotiana tabacum toxic. According to studies, the toxic amount for rats is 50mg / Kg. However, it refers to a nicotine with a purity of 99%. And in the plant the alkaloids are found with a maximum amount of 10% and within that percentage is nicotine.

As we can see, the amount of nicotine is relatively low and it is not found in a pure state, which is toxic and so?

Can this plant be considered a poison?

Not in my opinion! What is POISONOUS is the inappropriateness that humans and industry have given you. In fact, commercial tobacco has ADDITIVES to enhance the action of natural nicotine, generating more addiction, increasing its consumption and increasing the body is overloaded with this substance.

In recent years a debate has been created on the possible medicinal potential of nicotine, for example, nicotine has been found to have positive effects in people with Parkinson's disease and in people with attention deficit disorder, also in diseases such as Alzheimer's and schizophrenia.

Human beings must take responsibility for the damage we have done, the inappropriate processing of substances in a harmful way is what has caused the death of many people. However we must remember:

Death from smoking is preventable and avoidable!

Note: The image of the molecule is of my total authorship, if someone wants to use it you can write me


Carnicero, J. C. (1821). Memoria sobre el origen del tabaco: perjuicios y utilidades que ha producido su estanco en España, y la necesidad de aclimatarlo en ella para destruir enteramente el contrabando. Aguado.

Chevalier, A. (1997). Enciclopedia de plantas medicinales. Madrid: Acento Editorial.

Plantas y hongos. (s.f.). Obtenido de

This is my contribution to the challenge! Thanks for the support @artemislive

This entry contributed for Natural Medicine's Smokin' Challenge - Tobacco as Poison or Medicine?


I think it's super important to differentiate between commercial tobacco and natural tobacco.

the inappropriate processing of substances in a harmful way... - you summed that up REALLY well.

Your molecule image made me smile.

Enjoy making the molecule, I think I will do it more often: D

That vision is acquired when you study a very polluting career, maybe I will write about it soon: D

 4 years ago  

Sorry lovely - I didn't catch this post when I wrote up the final entries tonight!!!!

You wrote so well - dropping you a tip to make up for it. Next time copy and paste under the contest post so I don't miss it. x

Ahhhh I realized very late: C and those days I hardly had electricity. I'll be more aware, the important thing is to learn

 4 years ago (edited) 

Oh totally sweetheart! Learning everyday! xx No problem xx

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 4 years ago  

Such an informative post! Thank-you for sharing your knowledge of Tobacco, helps me view it in a new way!

I'm glad you liked it, if chemistry gives another vision

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Thank you very much for taking me into account: D: D

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