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RE: Organic DIY Moisturizing & Detangling Hair Mask - Cos Post Pool Party Hair Disasters Happen!

in Natural Medicine4 years ago

The joys of chlorine soaked hair! Its been a while since I had to contend with that, so not sure what I'd do. I usually rinse like crazy straight after. My daily hair care is just an ACV rinse, which helps me to brush my hair through (I really regret if I forget it) and removes some of the oil build up. I'm not sure if that would cut it for pool hair, though.

@tipu curate


Usually I go for the preventative care option, which is to massage the coconut oil in BEFORE I swim - works GREAT!! Being tossed into the pool fully clad & unprepared? 🤣 Glad I keep my cell phone in my handbag and never on my person!


 4 years ago  

Oh gosh. Phone in handbag is definitely a good habit in these circumstances!

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