The Effectiveness of Aloe Vera Gel Through My Own Experience

in Natural Medicine3 years ago (edited)

What's up Hivers!

Aloe Vera is a short-stemmed herb and rich source of vitamins that my help protect your skin.

Last week I experienced diarrhea, I called my doctor and asked about my lingering illness because when I belch it's like something acid coming out of my mouth. Then the doctor said that is Acid Reflux so she give me a prescriptions. I bought the medicine that my doctor prescribed to me and drink it for two days but still it doesn't relieved my diarrhea.

My sister-in-law told me that if she had a diarrhea she doesn't drink medicines instead she just drink the gel of the Aloe Vera like a medicine. So she cut the leave and slice the leave into portion and give me a gel. After I drink, I felt like my stomach was relieved so I drink it every day up until now.


The reason why I had an Aloe Vera plant since I had a hair loss problem. I did a research on the internet what are the alternative way for my hair loss and there are suggestions that Aloe Vera can help hair loss problem.

This is what I did to my hair. I picked a leave and slice it into half and rub the gel to my hair. Make sure to remove the prickly edges. I did this before taking a bath. After a month, I noticed that my hair already grown.

According to the researchAloe Vera has long been used for treating hair loss. It also soothes the scalp and conditions hair. It can reduce dandruff and unblock hair follicles that may be blocked by excess oil. You can apply pure Aloe Vera gel to your scalp and hair a few times per week. You can also use shampoo and conditioner that contain Aloe Vera.

How To Prepare The Aloe Vera Gel


First cut up two leaves of Aloe Vera. Wash with clean water and let it dry.


Second, trim the prickly edges with a knife and slice it. Separate the interior gel from the outside of the leaf. The interior gel is the part of the Aloe Vera that you’ll use.


So this is the gel of the Aloe Vera that I drink.

According to the research Aloe Vera is good for Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a digestive disorder that often results in heartburn. A 2010 review suggested that consuming 1 to 3 ounces of aloe gel at mealtime could reduce the severity of GERD. It may also ease other digestion-related problems. The plant’s low toxicity makes it a safe and gentle remedy for heartburn.

Disclaimer: I am not a licensed or registered health practitioner. Please do your own research before consuming this plant. What I have written here is based on my own experience and some of it are the result of the research that I made from the internet.

That's all for this blog. Thank you for sparing your time visiting my blog. Adios!

Some photos were edited using Canva

About the Author



What a lovely post you have here. I see aloe Vera as wonder plant. It has so many useful purposes but most of all it soothens. I have been using aloe Vera on my hair for the 15 years and it hasn't failed me in anyway. My hair says it already 😊.

Love your post and I got to see it through @dreemport.

Thank you

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Thank you so much hibuzz

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Hi @nening~! I have aloe plants in my home and in my professional kitchen. They are great for when someone burns themselves. I always pray that we never have to use it for that purpose though. This is the post that I will submit for curation today through @dreemport

Thank you again biggerjoe

Looks very interesting! I'm intrigued to try this aloe vera treatment for my hair now!

You should try it, it works

Aloe is amazing can help with many things I knew about for hair but not for acid reflux which I get occasionally
It’s also good for burns

Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk

Yeah that's the reason why im doing research for Aloe vera .


I have heard a lot about Aloe Vera but this post brought more meanings to what I had learned earlier. Some folks add aloe vera to their body creams for more nourished skin. While others do use aloe vera for medicinal purposes.
Keep up the good work. Thanks for this expository. I found your post through @dreemport

Thank you

My mom use to call Alovera a magical plant, not only its gel is beneficial but also the external epidermis( sorry being a science student I don't know whether it would be the skin or something else) it has superb use for patients having cough issue.
I faced acne vulgaris last year in lockdown and was restricted for the treatment. I only used aloe vera gel and I felt the bumpy acne got slighter.
Interacted with you through @dreemport

Same as your mom its called a magical plant

Hello @nening! Your post on uses of Aloe Vera is informative and very helpful! I'd never considered it could help with acid reflux or any kind of stomach upset or digestive issue. It's good to know.

Aloe gel has various uses and benefits. Mostly I use it for my hair and skin. Nature has blessed with this plant to take care of ourselves!

It feels good to read another interesting post from you today through @dreemport. Thanks for sharing this information with us. Keep writing! 🙂

Thank you

I have used it for several treatments of different kind of ailments and indeed it works. So, it is so much active. I would encourage everyone to always use it.
#dreempot @dreemport

Thank you sir