I see people panicking about potentially being run by AI, as they witness how technology is developing, but what they do not realize; is that the AI we are creating externally is our subconscious's final attempt at revealing to us that we are already being run by AI internally.
This becomes quite evident once you begin cultivating awareness in your own life and start removing all the veils of superficial certitude that has been programmed into you by the very authorities of the world. As your awareness reaches a certain intensity, you will begin to notice, that 99% of the people you interact with are actually not present at all. They seem to be running on a strange program, which does not allow them to interact from a conscious and present state for long periods of time. You will notice that there is a foreign installation in everybody.
And as crazy as it sounds; humanity has long been invaded and domesticated by that same intelligence that seems to have embedded itself into the very structures of our thinking. You see, humanity has somehow been parasitised by the unnatural binary thought-structure of a foreign alien intelligence. Most of Humanity has for a long long time been living in the metaverse already, since all of us have been overlaying reality with a distorted lens seeing the world through the eye of the fearful hive-mind alien intelligence that has taken over humanities consciousness.
Time to shut off Hollywood, and tune into the reality that surpasses all creative Fiction.
All of Human History, Potential, Wisdom has been decimated for many centuries, we have been captured by this spell for a long time; So much so, that our awareness has been infiltrated to such an extent, that most Humans do not realize that in our natural sovereign state, we are actually magical; immortal, ineffably powerful beings.
There is no "How to Manual to our Potential"; It is self-manifesting once you understand what your awareness really is.
The Devil is Distraction. This World has been made into a theme parc of Distraction. All for the Purpose of keeping you Distracted from the most Priceless Treasure in the Universe. The Juicy Lifeblood of your Awareness.
Human Civilization in its Current Form is a masterpiece in perfecting Slavery to such an extent that we tend the farm voluntarily not realizing we ourselves are the very product that is being harvested all throughout.
No point in fighting; the battle is all about awareness. Which you do not fight to have more of. You simply let go of all the lies and distractions you have been giving all your attention to.
Our Enemy is not Many, he is One. And he is to be found in each and every one of us. He speaks to us in our own voice. In the Privacy of Our Heads; He is every identifier that offers itself up to be identified with by you. He will make us identify with anything and everything, except for awareness, that is off limits.
Try it out; you will see, every movement you do towards awareness; will usually come with the protest of that foreign intelligence in subtle and not so subtle ways, but in essence all of it just "Distraction".
Time to Wake Up. For in Reality, Time is but one of the many Programs that we have running in our MINDS, that is the byproduct of having a foreign installation living through us.
In Awareness there is but only the Eternity of the Present Moment, in which my Past is nothing but the fleeting shadow of my Living Presence; and the Future all that has yet to receive my Light.
King of Kings - Shahanshah Sham-Shire Khoda.
Hi! This is true, reality is made of fractals. What are your thoughts on morgellon's and Lyme , aren't this a.i already?
Nicely put, @ravenking13 ! I'm speaking and writing (and painting) about similar topics - our sentience and conscious application of focussed loving, lifeful attention on Source is the most potent of forces... Once we release our attachment to the tension, fear, war cycle, all becomes clear - the Way opens and our ascension is relatively effortless... Blessings!
Aho, and so we spread the wings of our consciousness as we slowly but surely begin rising out of this dark dark cocoon we have woven for ourselves. Our egoic caterpillar had its fill, long enough have we crawled around like a worm devastating all we could find as food, soon we will return the favor to all that had nurtured us, as we leave behind the selfish-devouring shell of the caterpillar that we were and finally transmute into the butterfly that is ready to feed upon the alchemical nectar of the finest flowers, while pollinating all sorts of new life, fruits, flowers; plants and trees. 🔥
Keep spreading the good news as you do to all those unaware that nature has sent out the call to all of us that it is time for metamorphosis, we need to start hatching from our cocoons, or else we might die inside of them due to having become too comfortable in that darkness.
The Cocoon of an old Dark World is breaking open; it is time for us to deeply enjoy that radically new form of life that is emerging. And for each of us that have begun breaking free from our own cocoon; to no longer deal with the world using caterpillar methods; but to start using the awesome new abilities that have been given to us in our new form. 🐛🦋 / 🐍🐉 / 🐤🦅
Beautiful, @ravenking13 🙌
Dear @ravenking13, we need your help!
The Hivebuzz proposal already got an important support from the community and is close to be funded. However, it misses a few votes to get past the return proposal and your could make the difference!
May we ask you to support it so our team can continue its work this year?
You can do it on Peakd, ecency,
Thank you!