The age of frequency healing is here! The (free) Sound Health Portal

in Natural Medicinelast year (edited)


Last but not least in this series of posts I want to introduce a very different kind of device, which is actually just software. It listens to our voice and interprets the tones to give us various information about ourselves. Honesty, health and character traits being the main themes we are talking about here.

In the case of health once we know what the problem is, an opposing sound frequency is generated to address it. Like a colour wheel which has too much of one colour, the opposite colour must be added to balance it out.

"It's like looking for the sour notes in a song" says Sharry Edwards, going on to explain how the voice is a holographic representation of the body.

Gaining a detailed understanding of the body's inner workings is very useful in the modern world because disease is often misdiagnosed. Humans love to fit conditions into simple boxes but almost always the case is more complex than the label of the condition indicates and to treat it, full knowledge of the problems is essential. Up until this moment in history machines were not able to do this with such ease.

With that said, the idea was first developed in the 1970s by Edwards and she shared it with the big corporations who have been recording the voices of their telephone customers for years, running her voice analysis programs to gain a better understanding of them. Honesty and character traits being their interest.

While health is Sharry's focus now.

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Her work with the human voice reveals that people who share similar traumas, stresses, diseases, toxicities…share similar, if not identical, vocal anomalies. She brings together ancient knowledge with modern ideas of harmonics and frequency relationship theories to show that math can be used as a form of predictive, diagnostic and curative foundation for wellness. Through entrainment of the frequency grids of the brain, the body can be programmed to support its own optimal form and function. source

She made the mistake of not patenting her work and the corporations she served ultimately turned against her. They patented the technology for themselves and tried to stop her selling her own products, which were primarily for healing. Not an uncommon story in the world of today where ultimate control is much more important than ethics.

As a little F**k you to those same corporations she is now offering her discovery for free, via her website but for how long she is able to continue with this game I cannot say.

Sharry herself is an extremely gifted healer with the ability to sense a person's ailments by listening to their voice. She found she was also able to heal these people by humming the right tone while standing next to them and years later developed software to work in sync with her abilities.


She formed the Institute of BioAcoustic Biology & Sound Health thirty years ago which works at getting the message out and training people how to use her diagnosis and treatment system.

According to Edwards, "BioAcoustics Voice Spectral Analysis can detect hidden or underlying stresses in the body that are expressed as disease." The vocal print can identify toxins, pathogens and nutritional supplements that are too low or too high. In addition, vocal print can be used to match the most compatible treatment remedy to each client. The introduction of the proper low frequency sound to the body, indicated through voice analysis, has been shown to control: pain, body temperature, heart rhythm, and blood pressure. It has also been shown to regenerate body tissue, and alleviate the symptoms of many diseases (in some cases, even those considered to be incurable). source

On her website she offers an instant character assessment based on our voice. All you have to do is talk for a few minutes and the assessment comes back instantly. Naturally I tried this straight away and was impressed by the response.

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Indeed, I am not into the idea of punishing our children but I am equally happy to let it go when Sabrina does.

How could it know this about me based on a few mins rambling about nothing in particular?

Well, to put it in a word, frequency. Our voice offers an accurate up-to-date blueprint of exactly who we are in that moment.

Sharry is offering a free health related analysis on this page but be aware that to get the best results you will need a decent microphone. Haven't tried this one yet but you can be sure I will! The results are sent back to us by email.

If you are interested to progress with the free training (which requires the free download of Audacity® for your Mac or PC) this can be found here.

It looks like it is a lot of work but if you put in the hours you could effectively become a sound clinic for friends and family.

All of the different training modules can be found here.

They have a page for Parkinsons disease in particular and I was interested to read their proposed idea that this disease is often misdiagnosed, leading to incorrect treatment. It is for this reason accurate body scans using our voice are particularly important with this disease. Only in this way will the patient know for sure what they do or don't have and therefore the best way to go about treating it. With frequency.

Sharry has a book out on this subject specifically.

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It can be bought from here.

A video on Sharry Edwards here:

A few testimonials here:

In recent years the unassociated Sound Health Network has been launched, focusing on the connection between music and health.

So it would seem this idea is catching on...

In my final post I will give you my overall thoughts and take a look at some of the feedback we've had from hive users in relation to these devices.

Hope you have enjoyed this very uncharacteristic review of six machines! Indeed, this is the first time in my seven years here I have ever felt moved enough to do something like this.

Personally I am very excited for the future with these devices and while I think we still have some distance to go before it becomes truly accessible to the masses, the floodgates are open now and there is no turning back.

Love & Light everyone 🌱

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Art images were made by myself and the Midjourney bot.
Prompts available on request.

Previous instalments of this series can be found here:

Jump to the last post here


This series has been a very educational read of the various technologies out there. Thanks for doing the work and sharing it with us!

My pleasure. Knowing I am able to effectively share what I learn with others in this way is a big part of the motivation for me. Thank YOU for always being here :)

Thank you Sam for sharing all these incredible informations🙏❤️

My pleasure. This one in particular I have been blown away by.

Excited to see where this industry takes us...

Indeed it’s a very exciting topics! Robert Edward Grant founding is fascinating as well. He talks about the connection between mathematics, numbers, geometry and sounds. On Gaia in his series Code X.
Sound healing is the future 🙏❤️

Nice. Gaia do some great series it seems.