Totka recipe :Learn ways to get rid of long -term dermatitis/skin disease using natural medicine.

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Nature is a blessing for us.Because from the natural environment we get the ingredients of natural medicine with various types of plants, shrubs, leaves. And from the primitive age, the use of natural medicine was many times. But in the modern age, the use of natural medicines has decreased. Even though the medicines are made by processing natural ingredients and mixing different chemicals in the modern age, their effectiveness is not strong and lasting.But to my knowledge, if natural medicine can be made at home, it is more effective and there are also natural medications that use the disease to remove the disease from the body. I would like to say that in my knowledge, in the primitive age, people used different plants, shrubs, grass, leaves as medicine to get rid of various diseases. I saw when my grandmother was alive, she told me about cut wounds, burnt wounds and itching, allergies and skin diseases.

They made different vegetation, made medicine with leaves and put them in the place or made medicine and mixed them with water. We know that dermatitis is a harmful disease of the external skin of a body.As a result, the patient has to suffer a lot. My body has also been infected with this dermatitis for a few years. I was in a lot of trouble. I have treated a lot of this modern age. But for the temporary time, I was relieved of skin disease, but now I was suffering a lot again.But now I am seeing again skin diseases on my body's skin.But after seeing this situation, a grandmother of the house next door advised me to use natural medicine. Because of this, she was a man of the era, so I believed in natural medicine.She asked me to put the leaves of the elephant tree and the raw turmeric juice as a natural medicine. Since I am in the village, it was very easy for me to get these materials. I collected the leaves of raw turmeric and elephant trees from our land.After collecting them, I made the medicine. So you know that I have tried to make natural medicine to get rid of skin disease.



  • 2 raw yellow
  • 1 Hatisur plant
  • 5 ml clean water
  • Crushing machine


I collected some leaves from where some hatisur trees were born next to my backyard.I have completely tried to show you the page so that you can easily recognize the leaf. I hope you can recognize it if you see this tree somewhere.


Raw yellow and leaf washed with clean water


With an iron stick with the leaves crushed the leaves for a while


After a while the leaves were softened and the green juice came out


And I collected this juice in a bowl.

This time the raw turmeric is also hit with iron sticks as before and broke it


After some time I add water into it

This time I put the juice in the same bowl by pressing it with my hand

With a cotton bar shake the mixture to combine the mixture


Above all it's prepared for use

This mixture I still planted in the affected area of ​​the skin disease



This all photography is totally original & this post is plagiarism free.

All photography captured by me
Subject: Natural Totka Recipe Photography.
Model:Redmi 11 lite 5G

When I put this drug in the affected area, it felt like a cold feeling and the itching was also closed. I feel very good to apply this medicine in the affected area and I am comfortable in that place.

Friends I benefited from using the drug. Basically from this experience I can say that natural medicine is really effective in cureing the disease. I have tried to share this tactic with you thinking of you. Those of you who have been suffering from this skin disease for a long time but are not getting rid of the disease can definitely follow this tip.Surely I can say that you will get rid of this disease. You do not have to trust me. You can apply the qualities of this medicine by implementing it. If you like this Totka recipe today, you must give your opinion.As a good friend of you, I will give you the opportunity to move forward with.


Use natural medicine to spend a healthy life

Thanks everybody for visiting & reading my bolg



About Me

I am Sumaiya Rahman. I am from Bangladesh. Love to express myself in my own language. Nature lover, Animal Lover, Photography Lover,cooking lover, Traveler. I love to keep myself engaged in the service of people. I like to help people in danger. I explain all my experiences and feelings through blogs and vlog.


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Very important recipe you share. its very helpful for skin.

Thanks 👍
