~ Hacer yoga es un acto de amor propio. ~ / ~ Doing yoga is an act of self-love. ~

in Natural Medicine3 years ago

~Hacer yoga es un acto de amor propio. ~
~Doing yoga is an act of self-love.~

El calvario. Caracas, Venezuela.

Hola maravillosa comunidad, vuelvo de nuevo a hablarles sobre el yoga. No me canso de compartirles contenido sobre esta filosofía de vida, este arte y a la vez, esta ciencia tan hermosa como es el mundo del yoga. Siento que me quedo corta cuando escribo alguna publicación.

Hello wonderful community, I come back to talk to you about yoga. I never tire of sharing content about this philosophy of life, this art and at the same time, this science as beautiful as the world of yoga is. I feel like I am falling short when writing a post.

Al comenzar a practicar yoga, cualquier tipo de yoga, nos estamos regalando un momento mágico, nos estamos amando física, mental, emocional y espiritualmente. Muchos seres empiezan a practicar yoga por salud, o por querer estar en forma, otros porque esta de moda, lo que quizá no observan es que sus vidas se van transformando poco a poco , a medida que avanzan en la práctica sus hábitos cotidianos cambian, su cosmovisión es distinta, la manera de relacionarse con el entorno, y eso para mi, es lo más lindo del yoga, que va transformando vidas y nos lleva devuelta a nuestro interior.

By starting to practice yoga, any type of yoga, we are giving ourselves a magical moment, we are loving each other physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Many beings begin to practice yoga for health, or to want to be in shape, others because it is fashionable, what they may not observe is that their lives are transforming little by little, as they advance in the practice their daily habits change, His worldview is different, the way of relating to the environment, and that for me, is the most beautiful thing about yoga, which is transforming lives and brings us back to our interior.

"La moción es el movimiento constante de una asana a otra o de un lugar a otro. Las asanas aunque parezcan estáticas rebosan de acción dinámica en el interior." Iyengar

"Motion is the constant movement from one asana to another or from one place to another. The asanas, although they seem static, are bursting with dynamic action on the inside. Iyengar"


El yoga asanas mejora el sistema digestivo y es uno de los mas importantes. Su mal funcionamiento ocasiona muchas enfermedades. Cabe mencionar que las asanas son psicofisiologicas, desarrollan la consciencia corporal y general consciencia interna. Refuerzan y revitalizan los órganos.

Yoga asanas improves the digestive system and is one of the most important. Its malfunction causes many diseases. It is worth mentioning that the asanas are psychophysiological, they develop body awareness and general internal awareness. They strengthen and revitalize the organs.


Si llegas a realizar yoga, procura hacer también pranayama y meditación, son de gran ayuda para el cerebro y el cuerpo. El cerebro es el controlador de los movimientos de nuestro cuerpo, tanto involuntarios como voluntarios. El cerebro y el cuerpo están en constante interacción, por ende, siempre están comunicándose y cuando se manifiestan en la vida vicisitudes , ambos se ven sometidos a estrés, cansando y afecta a todos los sistemas del cuerpo.

If you do yoga, try to do pranayama and meditation as well, they are of great help for the brain and body. The brain is the controller of our body's movements, both involuntary and voluntary. The brain and the body are in constant interaction, therefore, they are always communicating and when vicissitudes are manifested in life, both are subjected to stress, tiring and affects all body systems.


Las fotos fueron fotografiadas por @perkysleen, con mi celular xiaomi redmi 8A. Todas son de mi propiedad. Edite las fotos en canva, como siempre =).

The photos were photographed by @perkysleen, with my xiaomi redmi 8A cell phone. They are all my property. Edit the photos in canva, as always =).


Es una hermosa transformación desde lo mas profundo de nuestro Ser sin duda alguna es una práctica hermosa, Namasté 🙏 @vicnzia 💖

asi ees =) Gracias por comentar. Namaste

 3 years ago  

Yoga as self love - yeeeeeahhhh... because when we can be compassionate about ourselves, we can feel compassion for others, and so on. When we are healthier in body and mind, we can look after others better too. Lovely post and nice to see you in some shapes. I love pyramid pose at the moment.

Posted on NaturalMedicine.io

Self care is so important and taking the time to find an exercise that really helps you, is so important. I can see through your words and pictures that yoga brings you much awareness and well being. Thank you for sharing, this is such a beautifully presented post xxxxxx
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