The Crucial (and often forgotten) Step to Transform Seeds into Nutritious Ingredients

in Foodies Bee Hive8 days ago (edited)

Long ago humans had to spend hours foraging for a few handful of seeds in the wild. These days we can simply head to the store and buy a handful of seeds with very little effort on our part.

I am really glad to live in a world where diverse ingredients are so accessible. But, something really, really important has been lost in the evolution of agriculture and nutrition. Recipes for nut milk and vegan cheeses so often include seeds raw and unsoaked. Such minimal processing is very likely to lead to indigestion and hours of discomfort ~ seeds simply aren't digestible without soaking first and in this video I share how I process seeds, legumes, and grains for maximum health.

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Ever since I learned from your that it’s better to soak beans before boiling, it’s been a game changer for me. This is really educative.
Thanks for the enlightenment as always.

yay!! I love hearing that my posts have helped you in some way. Thank you for letting me know!

You’re welcome 🥰

From where I am, we usually use white beans and mung beans and we boil them before mixing in our food.

That is great! Beans, of course, must be boiled before consuming. If you can also soak them before boiling that is even better!

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