Our new favorite lunch place


Photo by me

Hero Hot Pot in Salt Lake City, UT


My wife and I had "hot pot" for the first time while we were in Thailand during Steemfest and it was so good. So when we found Hero Hot Pot in Salt Lake City, we were pretty excited to try it out.


Photo by me

We have been there a few times now and we have come a long way since our first time eating at a place like this. In Thailand, we had no clue what we were doing, but @waybeyondpadthai had convinced us that hot pots are awesome.


Photo by me

So what is a "hot pot" dining experience? Well, it is pretty simple. They fill a pot with broth and then get it super hot and you cook other delicious foods in it.

We normally get a bone broth and a spicy bone broth when we go. This place has so many more options for other foods than the place we went to in Thailand. We usually get a couple things of ramen noodles to put in the broth.


Photo by me

At this particular location, each table has a tablet that you can order more side dishes and meats. My favorite is the sliced waygu steak. When you cook the steaks in the broth, they soak up all the deliciousness of the broths.


Photo by me

Then all you do is scoop out some into a little bowl and let it cool a bit before you eat it. I have burned the crap out of my mouth a few times because I don't let it cool properly. I can't help it though because it is so good.


Photo by me

They even have a little bar where you can make your own spice combinations to put in your broth. I like to add chili sauce, scallions, lots of garlic and some cilantro.


Photo by me

Another thing that is amazing is the little corn on the cob pieces. My wife doesn't like them cooked in the spicy broth, but I think they are amazing that way. It reminds me a lot of a crawfish boil like we used to eat when I lived in the south.


Photo by me

They also have potato slices that you can order and soak in the broth as well. They are so good because they soak up so much flavor and melt in your mouth as you chew them. We also like to mix white rice in the bowls to help soak up the broth and add flavor to the meal.

I was telling my wife today that we will need to eat here a lot during the winter time because this is the perfect food for a cold winter day. It wasn't too hot today when we went, but this place probably wouldn't be the best place to eat when the temperature is above 100 degrees.

Overall, this is one of my favorite places to eat here in Utah. The food here in Utah will never be able to compare to what we had in Thailand or any of the Asian countries I grew up in, but this place is pretty close and will help our cravings for good Asian food when we are stuck here in the US and can't travel.

So if you are in Utah and looking for a great place to have a fun Asian meal, be sure to check out Hero Hot Pot in Salt Lake City. You won't regret it at all.


Oh my, that looks so tasty and amazing, @derangedvisions! Now that we are starting to go out and about at last, I’m so excited to explore eateries again! I need to look up hot pot in Minneapolis. You have inspired me.

Well you have one called Lepot Chinese Hotpot that has some amazing reviews. They are so good and a lot of fun.

Thank you, @derangedvisions! I will make a plan to get there. My daughter lives in the city and knows all the good restaurants. I bet she has been there.

You live in Salt Lake? My sister just moved there. Ill be visiting her probably arkund once a year. Its a nice city.

Nice man. I try to stay out of salt lake as much as I can. Let me know the next time you are planning on heading this way.

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Ayeee looks good. I can't really find this kinda hot pot in Santa Cruz :/ but I can in Thailand indeed hehehe