My trial with huge pork bones soup

Hello Hivemates

I try to persuade myself to get back on this site again because I was feeling bored of everything, a lot of excuses to be away of writing content.
Yes, writing here is fun, it gonna be one of my hobbies. But why I have to allow my bad emotional ( which I had no idea I got it from ) straight through my mentally thinking became a lack of energetic person.

One day I searched on my camera roll that showing various of photos taken but I have not posted here yet. So I think it better to share to you guys to refresh my passion to continue binging here.

My first category popped up, it definitely FOOD

My second trial with huge pork bones soup


This menu called " Leng Zabb " in Thai language, one of the favorite Thai street food. You guys who never seen this might wonder " which part of this from ?" It appears look like high mountain with all greens on the top.
I wondered about it too, but long time ago 😆 😆

Which part of this from ?


Leng Zabb is the part of huge pork bones or the vertebral column of the pigs. Normally this bones used to cook as noodle soup because when the bones is being boiled for hours, this bones can add more mellow-tasty broth recipe
So all the soup from noodles we eat are processed by boiled pork bones

Its very beneficial to produce huge pork bones to become a new menu, and now it has been really trendy.

Leng zabb is dressed with full chilies on the top and also the broth as the base for soup, Feels like Tom Yum recipe

Back to the first moment I saw it, I thought about how could I enjoy eat them properly? It appeared clearly that just based pig bone and less of meats stuck on it.

But believe me, after I tasted it, I could feel bless, so delicious!!!
As I mentioned above, it feels like eating Tom Yum, I could touch with flavorful, strong-flavored sour from lemon juice and extreme spicy from chopped chilies

How to enjoy eating it


In the restaurant, after this food is served, the waiter will give us plastic glove in order to pick all tender meat which stuck with the bone easily. Our hands will not directly touch with it.

Not recommend to use another tools (spoons and forks) to get some meat out of the bones, I think it will not comfortable. Better to use hands with the plastic gloves covered, you would feel liberating !!

Eating with rice is very perfect, that day I had them together with steam rice. To be honest, as you can see amount of chilies, I could eat it with no feeling hot and spicy instead I felt enjoy how delicious it was.
I like extreme flavors.


They provide various size of Leng zabb so at times we order both small dish and XL dish

Thank you so much for reading my content