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RE: In The Kitchen With Kat-PB&J Thumbprint Cookies

in Foodies Bee Hive2 years ago

Um, if you ever would like to share one of those disasters in a post I would be beyond intrigued! As much as I hate it when my baking and cooking goes wrong, sometimes I really love commiserating with others when it happens to them.

But seriously, someone who is as meticulous as you are (model maker extraordinaire!), I hardly believe you have had a complete thumbprint disaster!

And yes, flour is the meanest ingredient, with powdered sugar right up there in the running lol!



Well, to be perfectly honest, I've seen plenty of recipes written by people who clearly had no idea what they're doing, but while I'm quite experienced at cooking meats, vegetables, and soup to know what works and what doesn't (especially when it comes to spice combinations), I'm still a novice at baking. The last time I tried a thumbprint recipe, the cookies flattened out and ran into each other, completely filling up the cookie sheet except for the holes where the jam went, which burned onto the sheet and required an inordinate amount of elbow grease to clean up.


Sorry, had to yell a bit there, it makes me crazy because I hate waste (and the mess!)lol!

And yes, baking is a bit less forgiving that cooking. It's really an art to get a dough incorporated so it won't run yet not overmix it so the resulting baked good won't be tough. A lot of the time if I am making any cookie with butter in it, I will chill it at least an hour before, as it lends a better structure to the finished product.

Of course, I really don't know what I am doing, I just have had a lot of practice at getting the results that I want 😉

And I am a huge proponent of parchment paper, I also despise scrubbing cookie sheets lol. That said, I hope if you make these that they turn out for you, it sounds like you deserve some non-runny cookies of tastiness😊


Well, I had to go and make these today because reasons. I think I made them a little small, I got four dozen instead of three. I don't keep any almond extract or grape jelly in the house, so I just added an extra 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla, and filled them with raspberry and strawberry jam. Two dozen got raspberry, one got strawberry, and one (which I gave to my neighbour) got chocolate chips in the centre. I also turned the temperature down to 350, because some from the first batch were black on the bottom (still edible, though).




You made them! And they look yummy! I love raspberry jam, especially with chocolate as an addition!

Isn't it crazy how ovens and baking sheets and humidity all vary so much? Like, I can totally see that your cookies spread a bit more than mine, and I am wondering what your humidity is in your part of the world? I think I would almost always chill my cookie dough for at least 30 mins in the freezer or an hour in the fridge before baking if I had that happening.

I'm just glad they were edible for you, none are left here lol!

And sorry I am slow to reply, I watched my friend's three year old boy all weekend so they could get away for their anniversary, I'm gonna go take a nap now...