[ESP-ENG] Receta tostado de atún y palta saludable | Healthy Tuna and Avocado Toast Recipe

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Buenas tardes, como estuvo ese día? yo paso por aquí a compartirles este delicioso pan tostado que hice para cenar, es muy fácil y rápido de hacer y lo mejor de todo es que es saludable.

Good afternoon, how was your day? I came by to share with you this delicious toast I made for dinner, it's very easy and quick to make and best of all it's healthy. 


En primer lugar tomamos 2 paltas las cortamos y aplastamos con la ayuda de un tenedor.

First we take 2 avocados, cut them and mash them with the help of a fork.


Luego incorporamos a la mezcla cebolla finamente picada e incorporamos.

Then add finely chopped onion to the mixture and incorporate.!


Abrimos una lata de atún en agua o al natural, escurrimos el agua y unimos a nuestra preparación.

We open a can of tuna in water or in its natural state, drain the water and add to our preparation.


Por ultimo añadimos dos cucharadas grandes de choclo o maíz en grano según el nombre que le den en su país mas sal y pimienta al gusto.

Finally, add two large spoonfuls of corn or corn kernels, depending on the name given in your country, plus salt and pepper to taste. 


Así que vamos a ensamblar nuestro sándwich lo primero que hice fue tostar el pan y untar poco de queso crema.

So let's assemble our sandwich, the first thing I did was to toast the bread and spread some cream cheese on it. 


Seguidamente vamos a colocar una capa de nuestra suculenta preparación de palta y atún con unas rodajas de huevo hervido por encima para darle un toque extra delicioso.

Next we are going to place a layer of our succulent avocado and tuna preparation with some slices of boiled egg on top to give it an extra delicious touch.


Cerramos nuestro sándwich con dos rebanas extras de pan tostado y degustar una deliciosa cena saludable.

We close our sandwich with two extra slices of toasted bread and enjoy a delicious healthy dinner.



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I haven't tried this combination before. I love both avocado and tuna, so, with that being said, I am going to give this one a try.

I haven't tried this combination before. I love both avocado and tuna, so, with that being said, I am going to give this one a try.

Hi, thank you very much for your comment, if you like avocado and tuna you will love this recipe because it is very nutritious and delicious, you can also incorporate other vegetables that you like to the filling and it will be perfect.

You're welcome (^_^) and thank you for the suggestion.