Stuffed cabbage rolls/ Rollitos de repollo relleno [ENG/ESP]

Hello to all the members of this beautiful community, I hope you are all well and had a spectacular Sunday💕.
With my husband we started a ketogenic diet and to get a little out of the conventional make this recipe and I wanted to share it with you ... i hope you like it

Hola a todos los miembros de esta bella comunidad, espero todos se encuentren bien y hayan pasado un domingo espectacular💕.
Con mi esposo comenzamos una dieta cetogenica y para salir un poco de lo convencional realice esta receta y quería compartirla con ustedes..espero les guste

Ingredients/ Ingredientes


I prepared 8 rolls

  • Cabbage leaves are large so use 4 leaves which are then cut in half.
  • 1 large onion
  • 1/2 carrot grated
  • 1 tomato
  • 1/4 Minced meat

Yo prepare 8 rollitos

  • Las hojas de repollo son grandes asique use 4 hojas que luego corte a la mitad.
  • 1 cebolla grande
  • 1/2 zanahoria rallada
  • 1 tomate
  • 1/4 Carne picada


#1. In a pot with plenty of boiling water and salt, place the cabbage leaves to cook until they are transparent and soft.

En una olla con abundate agua ahirviendo y sal colocamos las hojas de repollo a cocinar hasta que queden transparentes y blandas


#2. In a pot add oil, salt, seasonings of your choice and fry the onion with the carrot and tomato over low heat.

En una olla agregamos aceite, sal ,condimentos de tu preferencia y sofreímos la cebolla con la zanahoria y el tomate a fuego bajo

#3. Once the onion is browned, we separate a little to prepare the sauce and add the minced meat until it is ready.

Una vez este la cebolla dorada , separamos un poco para preparar la salsa y agregamos la carne picada hasta que esté lista.

#4. For the sauce, place the onion, tomato and carrot previously separated in a pan, place 1/4 cup of tomato puree and a cup of water

Para la salsa colocar en una sartén la cebolla tomate y zanahoria separado anteriormente , colocamos 1/4 de taza de puré de tomate y una taza de agua

#5. Once everything is ready, put a cabbage leaf on a board and place a tablespoon of the minced meat filling at one end. We wrap them in a roll and we place them in an oven-safe tray, (we add a little of the sauce before)

Una vez listo todo , ponemos una hoja de repollo en una tabla y colocamos en un extremo una cucharada del relleno de carne picada. Envolvemos en un rollito y los vamos colocando en una bandeja apta para horno, (agregamos un poco de la salsa antes)

#6. We proceed in the same way until finishing the cabbage leaves and filling them with the excess sauce. In my case, I decided to put grated cheese on top but that is up to you and your preference. Then in the oven until the cheese is au gratin and they are ready to delight the palate with these delicious and healthy rolls.

Procedemos de igual manera hasta acabar las hojas de repollo y colmarlos de la salsa sobrante. En mi caso decidí colocarle queso rallado encima pero eso corre por cuenta de ustedes y de su preferencia. Luego al horno hasta gratinar el queso y ya estan listos para que se deleiten el paladar con estos rollitos que son exquisitos y saludables


Until the next post! I hope you like it and try to do it and tell me what you think
Kisses to everyone

Hasta el próximo post! espero les guste e intenten hacerlos y me comenten qué les parecieron
Besos a todos 😘


These cabbage rolls look super yummi I must try the recipe!!!

Thank you so much ! Please when you prepare it, tell me what you think
I would love to know your opinion❤️🥰

The end product looks amazing. I love cabbage, with that said I will definitely try this one out.

Thank you so much !!! I'm glad you liked the result
I hope you tell me what you think when you prepare it🥰

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