Meal prepping: Roasting vegetables

in Foodies Bee Hive4 years ago

Once a week I spend about one to two hours preparing my vegetables to eat over the week. It's only one part of my diet, as I eat meat and my sourdough as well. But vegetables are an important part of my diet.


My veggie preparation starts with me laying our the glass cookware. And then deciding what to put in each container.


Just about six glass cooking containers fit in the oven so I usually try to make about that much.


Its important to know when each vegetable is done cooking. First it's the broccoli, then the asparagus, brussels sprouts, peppers and then cauliflower.


Each container gets its own vegetable, mixing them only when theres not enough room for all.


I add spices before roasting. I use garlic powder, onion powder, turmeric powder, pepper, salt, and other spices.


After adding all the spices I can preheat the oven and wait for it to get up to temperature. I usually cook my vegetables at 425F.


Each tray gets some of the mentioned spices. Usually adding enough so it can mix around inside the dish.


I think the spices add a nice flavor and also give me nutrients and minerals that some of the vegetables may not have.


Getting all my plates ready it's almost time to put them in the oven. I'll let them cook for anywhere from 30 minutes to 50 minutes depending on the vegetable.


I think this must be a few pounds of vegetables I eat every week. My body is used to them and if I skip a meal with vegetables I can usually feel it. My body really wants them.


After all is done I place them in glass storage containers and keep in the refrigerator. They will last me about seven days. Its nice having veggies ready to go so I do not need to make them with every meal. I just reheat them in the oven and they are ready to go. It may take me two or so hours a week but at least I'm not chopping and roasting veggies for every meal. Pretty sure it would take alot longer doing that 3x a day 7 days a week.


You have a nice vegetable stash there @solominer :D
You can cook them in variety of ways, also you can use grape juice as a yeast for your bread baking needs too, I saw from a video you just have to let it ferment on its own from a bottle from maybe a couple of days before using it ;P

Hah thanks alot, it is quite the variety. Ah yeah I remember you mentioning that in the past, have not had a chance to try it. I dont drink much grape juice so would have to buy some.

Wow great assortment of you eat any raw vegetables?

Yeah I try to get quite the variety in my diet.

As for raw I snack on onions as I cut them up. People think I'm kinda crazy for eating onion raw. But besides that I prefer everything cooked.

This Is perfect. I really need to eat more veggies. Your method saves a shitload of time, its perfect, and FYI, the spices are very healthy.

Thanks much, yeah I've been doing this routine for years now and I think it can really save time.

I tend to listen to a podcast or audiobook while doing it and makes the time fly by.


I would need your podcast recommendations to add to my list. 😅

I listen to alot of the Joe Rogan Podcast. Besides that I tune into the MSP discord shows that are on throughout the week. You can find them on the Minnow Support Project discord.

Joe rogan.

Thank You 😊💙


Hah thanks alot