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RE: Meine Gedanken zu künstlicher Intelligenz

in Deutsch D-A-CHlast year

Haha, did you notice that I managed to write a post about AI without to mention ChatGPT one single time? I guess that happens rarely these days. :)

I don't say ChatGPT wasn't AI, but I agree that it is hyped a lot (which again is not only bad, because it makes people aware of the phenomenon of the increasing importance of AI).


Well done, how did you not mention it? It's almost required that one makes a post about Chatgpt with a click-baity title, "I asked Chatgpt what it thinks about the Bong-Cloud opening, you won't believe the reply!"

oh no - why are you now limiting how you see ChatGPT?

Do I see self reflection here ?! ;00