Unfortunately, the Austrian population is too complacent. They complain a lot, but are not really standing up for themselves. Changing one corrupt government for another (should there indeed be federal elections) won't change anything, because the one party that stands up for the people has since forever be branded as right-wing radicals, when in fact there was a political polar shift and the former "good" guys are the fascists'. Sadly, the VfGH is more than just suspect in this case, considering that one of the judges, just to name one example, is also acting as the personal lawyer for the chancellors wife and suing everyone that dares to say anything against their machinations.
I lived in Canada for over 45 years, and public TV was free - we called it 'ghetto vision'. I f you wanted more, you just paid for cable.
I find the 'system' here more than just suspect and definitely a rip-off, since there is more advertisement on it than what I was used to from my time in Canada (and free TV).
Now to even pay for something you don't consume is the greatest abomination. If anything, put a paywall up on streaming and see how many would pay for their crappy offering. The only thing I could see myself paying for are some live sports the odd time. But it is exactly the 'woke greens' that cheer for mandatory fees for everyone. They ought to be chased with torches and pitchforks out of government.
If this has any legal leg to stand on, what would prevent them from, let say, charging everyone a museum fee for Federal Museums, even if you don't go to the museum. The possibilities for ripping off 'Otto-Normalverbraucher' are endless!
Free country, my butt!
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The state TV had for many years (decades) also a monopoly in Austria for local radio frequencies, which was insane, so it was for many people literally the only channel they could receive. In the Internet era I think the old model is completely outdated and I dont like to be forced to pay a fee for something I dont use.