"Smile" - Movie Talk

in CineTV2 years ago


Horror movies used to finish with a resolve; the evil was destroyed by the end of the movie. Then, at some point movies changed the formula, when in the end of the movie it's revealed, after we, as an audience, thought the evil had been eliminated, that it was still present, and that it could not be destroyed.

And the movie ends, "unresolved".

Now, movies have been doing this for a long time and i'm getting bored of the trope.

So, it got me asking myself; "how do you get rid of a paranormal entity that's haunting "our reality" without making it feeling lame?" Because destroying an other-wordly being by shooting it with a gun doesn't quite site well, either.

I don't know, but Smile is well worth the watch!
I would have liked the movie to go into more detail about the paranormal present in the film, but it did deliver some cool lore shots.

It's a good exposé on how people judge what they can only see, and are quick to question one's sanity. This is a movie about paranormal activity, so yeah, i'd probably be skeptical about someone in real life telling me they see dead people, and think they're not completely right in the head but still; it kinda opens the door a bit more about not being quick to judge, i guess.

Haven't we all been wanting to see aliens for a long time? So, next time someone tells you they see dead people, lean into it! :)